Standards Committee 29/9/2011 Part 8

Cllr Pat Williams said she was interested if Bill Norman had talked to the Chief Executive and that [the staffing issue] was really an Employment and Appointments issue, if there were ongoing pressures they should be made aware. Cllr Dave Mitchell said there would be a saving to the authority, if the correct legal services … Continue reading “Standards Committee 29/9/2011 Part 8”

Cllr Pat Williams said she was interested if Bill Norman had talked to the Chief Executive and that [the staffing issue] was really an Employment and Appointments issue, if there were ongoing pressures they should be made aware.

Cllr Dave Mitchell said there would be a saving to the authority, if the correct legal services were there in the first place.

Cllr Chris Blakeley said he would move 1 to 5 and add A, B and C. He would take out the three bullet points. He wanted to “set on record” that he wanted “radical change”.

Ken Harrison (Vice-Chair) said there were five outstanding complaints, from 2009 and the last from this year to fit in.

Cllr Chris Blakeley said how would they sit in the framework?

Ken Harrison (Vice-Chair) said some were over two years old and in urgent need of attention.

Cllr Bob Wilkins asked if he had deleted things after 5?

Cllr Chris Blakeley said he was adding 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 followed by A, B and C.

The Chair, Brian Cummings mentioned the Head of Law.

Cllr Chris Blakeley referred to A, B and C from the recommendation.

The Chair said this had started as an asset management problem, there had been extenuating circumstances and he had been put in charge which meant that something gives. He though the protocol was fine.

Cllr Chris Blakeley referred to 1 to 5 and the protocol asking about D?

Cllr John Salter mentioned 1 to 5 and A, B and C plus D to monitor over twelve months.

Surjit Tour said there would be an update to future meetings on monitoring progress.

Cllr Chris Blakeley referred to 1 to 5, followed by A, B and C from the original recommendation.

It was agreed.

Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 31/1/2011 Part 9 – Strategic Change Programme update (continued)

Cllr Salter then asked if he was confident of a quality service?

Cllr Green replied that a key element of the consultation had been providing the same if not better. Seven people had been permanently in the respite home. Consulting better as to how to meet their needs meant better placement. A couple were being supported at home.

Cllr Kenny said some of his points had already been covered by Cllr Davies and Cllr Salter. He referred to 4.4 of the report and the £7 million of savings in transforming Adult Social Services. He also referred to appendix C and said the £5.37 million of savings was “very ambitious”. He was not clear on what it means and the difference between item 3 and 33. What was the difference between project 3 and 33? He said he had had a lot of complaints. He asked Cllr Green if he was confident enough to assure him that he had the right people?

Cllr Green replied that he was confident and that he had asked similar questions himself as well as speaking to clients, carers and staff. He had been reassured in some cases. There have been things that have gone wrong but lessons have been learnt. Councillors haven’t heard where things have gone well. To a degree there were cultural issues in DASS.

Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 31/1/2011 Part 8 – Strategic Change Programme update (continued)

Cllr Gilchrist referred to the Cabinet report of the 15th October 2009. He stated that this report had said by April 2011 the target was for 30% to have personal budgets. He then referred to project 33. He said Social Services reform had been more difficult. There were people that we had to help and look after sensitively and that there had been delays that weren’t envisaged.

Mr. Green said this was one of the benefits of this approach. This had been a project with no associated savings. As it had been no set out as a project there had been no oversight. It was not just about financial savings but transformation too. In the program was a major piece of work. They would measure the performance and learn lessons whilst applying project management skills. There was no reason why it couldn’t become a Corporate Project Delivery program.

Cllr Salter asked about the reprovision of in-house care services and the homes that would close. Had suitable alternative providers been found?

Cllr Green answered that to be precise he should ask the Director of Adult Social Services. However he was assured they had the right people in place. It was an amber but he was still confident it would be achieved.