Unilever starts construction on North West Innovation Centre aided by £4 million of Regional Growth Fund money

Unilever starts construction on North West Innovation Centre aided by £4 million of Regional Growth Fund money                                                     I rarely write stories based on press releases as churnalism isn’t the purpose of this blog, but this story about Unilever and the £4 million of taxpayers’ money it received for a new Advanced Manufacturing Centre in … Continue reading “Unilever starts construction on North West Innovation Centre aided by £4 million of Regional Growth Fund money”

Unilever starts construction on North West Innovation Centre
aided by £4 million of Regional Growth Fund money


Construction starts on Unilever's North West Innovation Centre L: Cameron Jones (Port Sunlight site leader) Unilever R: Dave Penrith (Vice President Technology & Engineering) Unilever
Construction starts on Unilever’s North West Innovation Centre L: Cameron Jones (Port Sunlight site leader) Unilever R: Dave Penrith (Vice President Technology & Engineering) Unilever

I rarely write stories based on press releases as churnalism isn’t the purpose of this blog, but this story about Unilever and the £4 million of taxpayers’ money it received for a new Advanced Manufacturing Centre in Port Sunlight is one of those rare exceptions.

Unilever (for those who don’t know) is a major employer on the Wirral and employ at Port Sunlight nearly as many employees as Wirral Council including Wirral Council’s own Cllr Steve Foulkes.

Wirral Council’ Planning Committee met on the 20th August 2015 earlier this year and approved plans for the Advanced Manufacturing Centre and you can view the plans on Wirral Council’s website and video of that meeting below.

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Wirral Council Planning Committee meeting of 20th August 2015 which starts at item 15 (planning application APP/15/00829) Unilever Plc, QUARRY ROAD EAST, BEBINGTON – Proposed combined research and development building with ground & first floor offices, conference facilities, warehousing and pilot plant chamber for R & D projects. Constructed within the existing Unilever campus/site to the south-west of the Port Sunlight conservation area. All associated highway access/egress to remain as existing. The proposed development retains the quantity of vehicle parking facilities, cycle parking and also pedestrian access arrangements on site on completion of this development.

Since the planning application was approved in August, work has recently started (as you can see from the first photo in this article). Unilever has received £4 million of Regional Growth Fund money (which they are matching with their own resources). Both Wirral Council and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority have a role in the organisations that Regional Growth Fund monies are allocated to.

I recently brought up with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s Audit Committee, that as the LCRCA now has a website that the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 means the LCRCA is required to publish information on its websites about grants over £500 such as Regional Growth Fund money (in fact this is a legal requirement). This was referred to Merseytravel’s Head of Internal Audit, yes the person who referred to some whistleblowing as "Mickey Mouse" and "complete nonsense" so I’m not holding my breath for a quick response!

I also raised it with the LCRCA Monitoring Officer Angela Sanderson. However the same Code apply to Wirral Council too.

Earlier this year, I exercised a right and request to inspect some information during the period over the summer about some of the payments Wirral Council make to businesses relating to the Regional Growth Fund. The regulations required Wirral Council to provide this within the three-week inspection period.

I barely got to see 10% of what I’d requested, not one page of the councillors’ expenses (perhaps a sore topic since publishing these last year) and despite pointing this out to the Monitoring Officer Surjit Tour via email, so far I have just received stony silence.

So that’s why I’m writing about the £4 million Unilever received of Regional Growth Fund based on a press release, because the mandatory openness and transparency that should be there at Wirral Council and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority over how millions of pounds is spent doesn’t seem to be happening!

I will point out that the LCRCA state that they publish this information on Merseytravel’s website instead, however considering how many payments Merseytravel make over £500, however finding this sort of information is like finding a needle in a haystack!

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Where are the Remembrance Sunday services on the Wirral on the 8th November 2015?

Where are the Remembrance Sunday services on the Wirral on the 8th November 2015?

Where are the Remembrance Sunday services on the Wirral on the 8th November 2015?


Remembrance Sunday 2012 at the War Memorial Birkenhead Hamilton Square
Remembrance Sunday 2012 at the War Memorial Birkenhead Hamilton Square

There will be many services to mark Remembrance Sunday on the Wirral on the morning and afternoon of the 8th November 2015.

The Mayor of Wirral, Cllr Les Rowlands will be attending the service held at The Cenotaph in Hamilton Square, Birkenhead in the morning and the service at the War Memorial in Thornton Hough in the afternoon.

These are details of when and where the Remembrance Day Services for 2015 will be:


10.55 The Cenotaph, Hamilton Square, Birkenhead

10 o’clock Christ Church, Kings Road, Bebington, followed by a service at the Higher Bebington British Legion at noon.

10 o’clock St Mary’s Church, Eastham

10.15 St. Barnabas Church, Bromborough

10.30 St. Oswald’s Church, Bidston

10.45 Grange Hill, West Kirby

10.45 St. Peter’s Church, Lower Village, Heswall, followed by wreath laying at The Cenotaph, Heswall

10.30 for The Cenotaph, corner of Maryland Lane and Pasture Road

10.15 for The Parade will leave the Royal British Legion, Wallasey for a 10.55 am Service at the War Memorial, Magazines Promenade, New Brighton

10.00 for Short Service at St. Stephen’s Church followed by 10.45 a.m. War Memorial at Junction of Osmaston Road and Prenton Lane, Prenton

10.45 War Memorial outside the Public Library, Ford Road, Upton

10.45 War Memorial, Port Sunlight Village followed by a service at Christ Church, Port Sunlight Village

If crossing the River Mersey to Liverpool on Remembrance Sunday, larger crowds than usual are expected for the Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph, St George’s Plateau because of the ceramic poppy art installation "The Weeping Window" at St Georges Hall. It’s expected there will be large numbers of people there and road closures will be in place by 9.30 in the morning.


2.20 for Service at the War Memorial, Thornton Hough 2.45

The Merseytravel journey planner is useful for the times of public transport when travelling to and from Remembrance Sunday services.

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Port Sunlight Festival 2013: Fire-Eater, Balloons, Fountain, Helter Skelter and Sheep

A report on the 2013 Port Sunlight Festival with photos of balloons, fire eaters, the fountain, a helter skelter and sheep

Port Sunlight Festival 2013: Fire-Eater, Balloons, Fountain, Helter Skelter and Sheep


I went to the Port Sunlight Festival in 2012 too and you can view some photos of last year’s event by following this link. This year it was held over the two days of the weekend instead of one, which meant it was far less crowded.

Here are some photos I took, the images are thumbnails at 10% of the original size. Each thumbnail should link to the original photo though if you click on it.

Port Sunlight Festival Fire Eater photo 1 (small)

Drawing quite a crowd was the fire-eater.

Port Sunlight Festival 2013 Balloons photo 1 (small)

The first photo is of one of the balloon sellers with the war memorial in the background.

Port Sunlight Festival 2013 Balloons photo 2 (small)

The second photo is of the same scene as photo one but taken at a different time.

Port Sunlight Festival 2013 Balloons photo 3 (small)

Another photo of balloons, this time much closer so you can see how colourful they were.

Port Sunlight Festival 2013 Balloons photo 4 (small)

There were two balloon sellers there, this one was near the food stalls.

Port Sunlight Festival 2013 Balloons photo 5 (small)

This is a close up of the balloons near the food stalls.

Port Sunlight Festival Fire Eater photo 2 (small)

Another photo of the fire-eater this time with an impressively large flame.

Port Sunlight Festival Fire Eater photo 2 (small)

A further photo of the fire-eater although I’m unsure why he’s covering his face in this photo.

Port Sunlight Festival Fountain Photo 1 (small)

A photo of the impressive fountain in full flow.

Port Sunlight Festival Helter Skelter Photo 1 (small)

The helter skelter was one of the popular attractions, with a long queue of people waiting to go on it.

Port Sunlight Old American car Photo 1 (small)

This photo is of an old American car.

Port Sunlight Sheep Photo 1 (small)

Finally a photo of some sheep.

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Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 1, Minutes (15/11/11 and 6/12/11), Declarations of Interest, Site Visits, item 5 (APP/11/00582, Hesketh Hall, Boundary Road, Port Sunlight, CH62 5ER Conversion of Hesketh Hall into 13 self-contained C3 flats with rear conservatory)

Conservative councillors
Chair: Cllr David Elderton
Vice-Chair: Cllr Wendy Clements
Cllr Eddie Boult
Cllr Peter Johnson

Labour councillors
Cllr Brian Kenny (spokesperson)
Cllr John Salter
Cllr Denise Realey
Cllr Bernie Mooney
Cllr Joe Walsh

Lib Dem councillors
Cllr Dave Mitchell (spokesperson)
Cllr Stuart Kelly

Conservative councillor
Cllr Paul Hayes

Members of public: 9

The Chair introduced himself and said on the two wings were elected members of the Council who would be making decisions. To his left were planning officers and support staff who were officers of the Council. He welcomed people and wished them a happy and beneficial New Year.

He asked if the amended minutes of the meeting held on the 15th November 2011 and the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th December 2011 were agreed. He thanked Cllr Brian Kenny.

He asked if there were any declarations of interest. No declarations of interest were declared by the eleven councillors present.

He asked if there were any requests for site visits. No requests for site visits were made.

The Chair said he would be taking the agenda out of order to reflect which items members of the public were here for. He said the first item he would take would be item 5 (Hesketh Hall, Boundary Road, Port Sunlight, CH62 5ER). He asked for a presentation and pointed out this item was pages 23 to 26 on the agenda pack.

Matthew gave a presentation stating it was an application for thirteen apartments and a new conservatory. He outlined the implications of a requirement for affordable housing and the fact the building was a Grade II listed building. He said (if approved) the planning application would lead to changes to the building and the internal layout, however certain features would be retained. Externally there would be new windows to the roof, also a ramp and railings. Wirral Council was sympathetic to the alterations proposed. It was on the boundary of the Liverpool City Region Inner Area which would normally mean there would be a requirement for affordable housing. Bringing a Grade II listed building into viable use was a material consideration in its favour. It was near New Ferry Town Centre and there were a number of conditions on the application.

The Chair asked if any ward councillors wished to speak? No ward councillors wished to speak.

The Chair asked for any comments? There were no comments, he asked councillors if they were happy. Cllr John Salter proposed accepting the planning application, Cllr Joe Walsh seconded it. Matthew said there had been one extra condition added which was for cycle parking.

For : Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Mitchell, Kelly (11)
Against : None (0)
Abstentions: None (0)

Application APP/11/00582 was approved (11:0:0).

Two members of the public left with one saying thank you to the Planning Committee as he left.