After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?

After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?

Mayor Joe Anderson 11th November 2015 Harthill Calderstones Park issue

After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?


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Liverpool City Council 11th November 2015 Part 1 of 6 Fresh start for organisations on Harthill Road by Mayor Joe Anderson

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Liverpool City Council 11th November 2015 Part 2 of 6 Fresh start for organisations on Harthill Road by Mayor Joe Anderson

Mayor Joe Anderson 11th November 2015 Harthill Calderstones Park issue
Mayor Joe Anderson 11th November 2015 Harthill Calderstones Park issue

Above is a picture of and video of Mayor Joe Anderson speaking in 2015 about Liverpool City Council ’s controversial plans for housing in Liverpool in a much loved park. After two related planning permissions for the project were approved by Liverpool City Council they were then quashed with reasons given in a 27 page judgement by a High Court Judge in a judgement handed down last Friday. Liverpool Open and Green Spaces Community Interest Company brought the successful legal challenge.

The decision showed that Liverpool City Council had misinterpreted their OE3 (Green Wedge) policy and that it was also found that meeting housing targets was not sufficient reason to award planning permission.

However since the judgement, Liverpool City Council has ended its support for the project.

The equivalent project on the Wirral side of the River Mersey is the controversial Hoylake Golf Resort. Next month (25th February 2019 starting at 6.00 pm in the Council Chamber at Wallasey Town Hall) sees a special meeting of all Wirral councillors where Conservative councillors will call on Wirral Council to withdraw from this controversial scheme (as was revealed on Wirral Leaks).

Following an information request by myself, action by the regulator ICO demanding that Wirral Council produce the contract and then a First-tier Tribunal case, most of the 96 page contract between Wirral Council and the developer was released (around 14 months after my original request) and published on this blog.

Protests about the possibility of development in the greenbelt have grown louder recently due to the ongoing political confusion over the Local Plan.

It is pretty much a certainty that just as opposition councillors were against the unpopular Dog Control PSPO (which goes to Cabinet for a decision next month) and was recommended to be dropped by a close 8:7 vote that there will be more attempts by the opposition parties to differentiate themselves from the ruling Labour administration in an attempt to win more support and votes at the May elections and to keep seats they hold.

The fact that outgoing Leader of both Wirral Council and the Labour Group Cllr Phil Davies has indicated he will be leaving in a few months has created a power vacuum as factions within the Labour Party jostle for power and try to prevent too much unpopularity in the lead up to the May elections.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

4 thoughts on “After Liverpool City Council loses battle to develop Calderstones Park in the High Court, will Wirral Council drop the unpopular Hoylake Golf Resort project?”

  1. A question has arisen, re: differentiation. No, nothing mathematical, just… How do Tories differentiate themselves from Tories?

    Also – because nobody is reporting this crucial aspect – left wing Councillor Jo Bird broke ranks and created this delightful mayhem.

    Her praises should be SUNG FROM THE ROOFTOPS if this Tory golf scheme ends up being axed.

    Why do I link Tory to Golf? Outrageous. Ring up The Royal Liverpool in Hoylake and ask them how many members they have hailing from poor postcodes like mine (CH44).

    Thanks John sterling work again.

    1. If being the operative word Paul.

      Cllr Phil Davies has had plenty of opportunity to reverse course on the Hoylake Golf Resort, but despite massive public opposition and opposition from his own party, like a golfer carrying on a round of golf through a thunderstorm, he appears to want to get to the club house then hand over the keys to someone else!

  2. When Cllr Davis leaves lets throw a party?
    Spend money on a Golf course yet they can’t even provide the services we pay for?

    1. I’ve no idea what is going to happen to the Hoylake Golf Resort project and after Cllr Phil Davies leaves in May Wirral Council will have to choose a new Leader of Wirral Council. Who it is depends partly on what the outcome of the elections in May 2019 are.

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