Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?

Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?

Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?


Cllr Tony Jones (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth) (foreground) at a meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet (30th September 2019)
Cllr Tony Jones (Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth) (foreground) at a meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet (30th September 2019)

Wirral Council have received £173,029 to set up a Town Deal Board, come up with an Investment Plan for Birkenhead and to consult on the proposed changes. The aim of this is so that Wirral Council can then make a bid for up to £25 million of funding from the government’s Towns Fund.

Yesterday (7th November 2019) a consultation started on another masterplan for Birkenhead Town Centre. The details of the draft masterplan can be found on the Wirral Growth Company website.

The draft masterplan includes the demolition of the building that houses Birkenhead Market (under the plans Birkenhead Market would be relocated to either the empty unit vacated by Marks & Spencer, a smaller building on the existing site or the existing site of B&M).

Changes proposed by the draft masterplan would mean the Europa Pool Leisure Centre was demolished and a new leisure centre built near to Conway Park Station (referred to as Birkenhead Leisure Centre).

In addition to this the draft masterplan would also lead to a “Civic Hub” for Wirral Council, office space, housing and a hotel.

Unit 26 in the Pyramids Shopping Centre (next to the Card Factory) will be showing the public the plans on Saturday 9th November (10am – 3pm), Tuesday 12th November (10am – 3pm) and Friday 15th November (11am – 4pm).

People can also respond to the consultation on Wirral Growth Company’s website.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

6 thoughts on “Consultation starts on “masterplan” for Birkenhead Town Centre, but what changes does it propose?”

  1. As most people now shop on the internet and one by one high street shops are closing down, has the council thought about sending in the bulldozers and just flattening it, maybe turning it in to a car park, the knock on effect would also get rid of the drug users and scally’s that hang around there! Just a thought
    As if they got the £25 million, sorry up to £25 million they would only filter it away on other uses, and Birkenhead wouldn’t see a penny.

    1. Thanks for your comment.

      There are some items (such as clothing) that people prefer to shop for in person to check that it fits before they buy it.

      If Wirral Council got the money to redevelop Birkenhead Town Centre, I’m pretty sure it would come with strings attached which would mean that the money couldn’t be spent on other purposes.

  2. the swimming baths does not belong to the council to knock down, & build the same some 100 meters away absolete loonasy,they belong to the public of Merseyside paid for by their local taxes ,50% and 50% European grant.their is no reason whatsoever to knock down Europa pools in Birkenhead it s the only and biggest attraction we have in Birkenhead with the wave machine and many other facilities in the same building ,there is already a pettion to keep Europa pools open & left alone for the public,of over 1,194 sigs to date, ,fantastic eh.& it was Cllr phil davies who lives in west kirby,by the concourse swimming baths,who took away free swims for local kids in Birkenhead, when on school holidays the other cllrs agreed the same Cllr jean staplton & cllr brian Kenny,so much for these cllrs trying to help kids stay safe & kept busy on their hols..unless they can afford £ 1.00 a day to go the hive ,ie 50p morning & 50p afternoon,.its a joke !!!

  3. Never mind Birkenhead – where’s the Local Plan for Wirral which, as far as I know, still includes B’head doesn’t it

    1. To be fair, Birkenhead is a problem which needs tackling on its own merits. I believe the regeneration of Birkenhead in some sustainable form can only be go for Wirral in the longrun, especially where the targeting of brownfield sites for new communities can come into play.

      The Council continue to adopt a lot of the corporate style ‘jargon’ in their approved consultation process, which I fear continues to alienate the rest of us who prefer plain English.

      I mean, the overuse of the term ‘transformational’ derived from the verb transform is sickeningly reminiscent of the previous cabinet.

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