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Health and Well Being Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 20/6/2011 – Part 1

The new Chair Cllr Glasman welcomed people to the meeting, she asked for any declarations of interest or declarations of party whip. There were none so she asked people to introduce themselves.

Sue Lowe why the resolution passed at the last meeting (below) had not resulted in a report on this meeting’s agenda or an agenda item referring to it.

Committee recommends to Cabinet that the current process of change should continue with all due diligence for the best interests of service users and their carers, ensuring that the quality of service is maintained or improved, and that a progress report be brought to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee.

Howard Cooper apologised there was not a report but said he would give a verbal update.

Cllr Watt said it was an important report that the previous committee had requested. Howard Cooper went into detail about the changes, starting with residential care for vulnerable adults after the Cabinet resolution. He said there were tender arrangements made for older people last year. 85% of providers had tender for the work at the new rate of fee. Roughly half the providers (but the wording varied) had been reluctant to accept the new fee. There was the potential for legal action, however Wirral Council’s view was that the contracts were provided at a price, therefore the providers were bound by the contract. These contracts continued to exist.

People’s needs had been assessed and placements found at homes. They had contracts for the full range of services and had not yet received a legal challenge. There was a fall of business for residential and nursing care provision. Short break respite placements were continuing in homes contracted for this purpose to meet demand. This time of year (between the school holidays and the Spring) was the peak time for demand. There was also short break provision for people with learning disabilities which had previously been provided at Mapleholme.

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