What were the election results of the elections of 66 councillors to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council in May 2023?
What were the election results of the elections of 66 councillors to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council in May 2023?
By John Brace (Editor) First publication date: Monday 8th May 2023, 20:18 (BST). Modified date: Tuesday 9th May 2023 03:31 (BST) | Reason: to add jump tags. Modified date: Tuesday 9th May 2023 03:55 (BST) | Reason: to correct spelling of candidate’s name from Graeme to Grahame
Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre entrance (Bidston, Wirral) where the results of the elections of 66 councillors to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council were declared on 5th May 2023
Below are the election results in May 2023 for the elections of 66 councillors across 22 different wards each electing 3 councillors (Bebington, Bidston & St James, Birkenhead and Tranmere, Bromborough, Clatterbridge, Claughton, Eastham, Greasby, Frankby & Irby, Heswall, Hoylake and Meols, Leasowe and Moreton East, Liscard, Moreton West and Saughall Massie, New Brighton, Oxton, Pensby and Thingwall, Prenton, Rock Ferry, Seacombe, Upton, Wallasey and West Kirby and Thurstaston). The election results for all 22 wards were declared at Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre (pictured above) on Friday 5th May 2023. Continue reading “What were the election results in the elections of 66 councillors to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council in May 2023?”
OFSTED, CQC and HMICFRS require Wirral Council to prepare a written statement of action by 19th May 2023 addressing 4 areas of improvement in multi-agency safeguarding
OFSTED, CQC and HMICFRS require Wirral Council to prepare a written statement of action by 19th May 2023 addressing 4 areas of improvement in multi-agency safeguarding
Left (foreground) – Chief Constable of Merseyside Police Serena Kennedy, Middle (foreground) – Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside Emily Spurrell
An joint inspection of OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills), CQC (Care Quality Commission) and HMICFRS (His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services) has found four areas in which Wirral’s safeguarding arrangements need to improve.
In a letter dated 16th February 2023 to Simone White (Director for Children, Families and Education (Wirral Council)), Simon Banks (Place Director (Wirral) (NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership)), Emily Spurrell (Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner) and Serena Kennedy (Chief Constable, Merseyside Police) the following areas were listed as needing to improve:-
How effectively the early help offer is further developed to ensure greater consistency of access for children across the local authority area.
The proportion of children receiving early help who benefit from a coordinated multi-agency plan to coordinate that support and to help ensure that it is as effective as possible.
How well the early help needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are met.
The coordination of early help between education providers and the wider partnership.
Wirral Council (as the principal authority of the Wirral Local Safeguarding Partnership which involves Wirral Council, Merseyside Police and the NHS) is now required to prepare a written statement of action by 19th May 2023 addressing how the Local Safeguarding Partnership will address the findings of the joint inspection.
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What happened when I tried to inspect candidates’ consent to nomination forms at Birkenhead Town Hall?
What happened when I tried to inspect candidates’ consent to nomination forms at Birkenhead Town Hall?
By John Brace (Editor) First publication date: Wednesday 12th April 2023, 14:00 (GMT).
Candidate consent to nomination (Elizabeth Anne Grey) Bidston and St James ward election of a councillor to Wirral Council in 2023
During the election period (once the nomination period has ended and before polling day) the nomination papers and candidate’s consent to nomination are available to be inspected.
As it (usually) runs more smoothly if they know what I want to look at in advance rather than just it being a big surprise, there had been a series of emails between myself and Wirral Council about what I wanted to look at (the candidate’s consent to nomination forms for candidates standing in the election of councillors for Bidston and St James, Claughton and Heswall) and Wirral Council knew I ’d be there on Tuesday 11th April.
When I arrived at Birkenhead Town Hall, I went up to the first floor, to find that those working on the election were behind locked doors that could only be opened with a key card (which obviously I didn’t have) and there was no doorbell. I tried knocking on that door, but nobody answered. Going back down the corridor and turning left, I found another door with a piece of A4 paper stuck to the door with “Election Office” on it.
The door was locked, so I knocked on the door and waited. I was ignored, so I knocked again. The poem The Listeners by Walter de La Mere springs to mind at this point in this tale. Eventually my persistent knocking led to someone answering the door. I explained what I was therefore and was told to go to a different room which was next door.
There I explained (again) what I was there for. The person I’d previously been in email contact with was running a training session at Wallasey Town Hall and not answering their mobile phone.
However, I was then told I couldn’t inspect the candidates’ consent to nomination as the person speaking thought that they might contain home addresses (they actually don’t contain home addresses as you can see of the example of Elizabeth Anne Grey standing in Bidston and St James ward above) and to come back in an hour.
So I returned as requested an hour later, again knocking on the unanswered door. Eventually a person angrily answered the door and barked in a frustrated way, “I’m in a meeting!” at me.
This drawn out saga is now starting to become less like Walter De La Mere’s The Traveller and along the lines of Douglas Adams quote:-
“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
Once again I explained why I was there and this time was told to wait in the corridor outside. Shortly after, a very apologetic Wirral Council employee appeared with the paperwork I had requested to inspect.
What did suprise when I calculated the average age of the candidates in Heswall, Bidston and St James and Claughton is (I’ve just included the four political parties already represented on Wirral Council in the analysis below and for clarity have included those who have withdrawn) is how similar the average age of a candidate standing was across different political parties. In the Labour Party the average age was 54.9 years, for the Conservatives 57.7 years, in the Lib Dems 57.3 years and the Green Party it was 57.8 years.
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Who are the candidates in the election of 66 councillors to Wirral Council in 2023?
Who are the candidates in the election of 66 councillors to Wirral Council in 2023?
Polling station 3 (Holy Cross Primary School) Polling District (AC) Ward: Bidston and St James Date: 2nd May 2019 photo 7 of 8
By John Brace (Editor) First publication date: Tuesday 4th April 2023, 22:36 (BST).
The nomination period in the election of 66 councilllors to Wirral Council ended at 4pm today (4th April 2023) and the list of candidates has been made public. Each resident will have three votes this year (as each of the 22 wards on Wirral are electing 3 councillors for a 4 year term of office). The votes will be counted this year at the Wirral Tennis and Sports Centre using the First Past the Post system. At the end of this piece is the list of candidates standing in the election listed alphabetically by ward name, followed by surname. If a candidate is standing on behalf of a political party, the registered description of that political party chosen is included directly after the candidate’s name. Candidates with a line through their name have withdrawn their candidacy at time of publication.
Due to a legislation change a few years ago, candidates can now choose not to have their home address published when the list of candidates is published, so as roughly half of the candidates have chosen to keep their home address private I have not included the home addresses below. However if you would like to write to one of the candidates during the election, the names and addresses of the election agents (although some candidates are acting as their own election agent) is published here on Wirral Council’s website during the election.
The timetable of the deadlines to register to vote and also to apply for a postal or proxy vote can be found in this earlier post about the Notice of Election. Please note that due to extra legal restrictions on statements about election candidate’s character or conduct during the election period, any comments will be moderated before publication. Finally I will just declare an interest as a person registered (and eligible) to vote in the Wirral Council elections of councillors for the Bidston and St James ward in 2023.
Judith Deobrah GRIER (Green Party)
Ed LAMB (Green Party)
Anthony Paul MOLYNEUX (Liberal Democrats)
Nicola OAKLEY (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Kaitlyn Louise PETERSON (Labour Party)
Callum James STUART (Labour Party)
Barry Douglas TUNNA (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Christine TUNNA (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Jason Peter WALSH (Green Party)
Robert Paul WARD (Labour Party)
Catherine Mary WILLIAMS (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Bidston and St James
Wendy Jane CLEMENTS (Local Conservatives)
Jayne Louise Stephanie CLOUGH (Green Party)
Malcolm John DAVIS (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset)
Craig FITZPATRICK (Green Party)
Jonathon Neil James GOLDSMITH (Local Conservatives)
Millie Charlotte GORMAN (Green Party)
Liz GREY (Labour Party)
Brian Martin KENNY (Labour Party)
Tina MCDONNELL (Local Conservatives)
Julie MCMANUS (Labour Party)
Mike PARSONS (Liberal Democrats)
Birkenhead and Tranmere
Richard James BAKER (Local Conservatives)
Pat CLEARY (Green Party)
Helen Louise COLLINSON (Labour Party)
Catherine Louise EVANS (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Ada Emily LEWIS (Local Conservatives)
Julienne Mary MCGEOUGH (Labour Party)
Piara MIAH (Labour Party)
Amanda ONWUEMENE (Green Party)
Edward Peter SMITH (Liberal Democrats)
Ewan Morgan TOMENY (Green Party)
Colin James YOUNG (Local Conservatives)
Brenda Joyce ASHTON (Labour Party)
Jo BIRD (Green Party)
Gillian Ann BYRNE (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Des DRURY (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Finlay Mason Burgess GORDON (Labour Party)
Eleanor Jane JOHNSON (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Stephanie Elizabeth MCGARRY-GRIBBIN (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Ruth MOLYNEUX (Green Party)
Kieran MURPHY (Green Party)
Sue PERCY (Labour Party)
Helen Janet CAMERON (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Dan Gorman (Green Party)
Jenny HOLLIDAY (Labour Party)
Michael HOLLIDAY (Labour Party)
Mary JORDAN (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Jim MCGINLEY (Green Party)
Pamela Jean PEACOCK (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Cherry POVALL (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Christopher John RAYMOND (Liberal Democrats)
John RODGERS (Green Party)
Joanne SMITH (Labour Party)
Charles ASSA (Local Conservatives)
Gary Lee BERGIN (National Housing Party Putting UK First)
Susan BRADDOCK (Green Party)
George James DAVIES (Labour Party)
David Robert Cynlais EVANS (Liberal Democrats)
Stephen FOULKES (Labour Party)
Liz HEYDON (Green Party)
Andrew HODSON (Local Conservatives)
Perle Winifred SHELDRICKS (Green Party)
Sheridan TEAR-EDMONDS (Local Conservatives)
Gillian WOOD (Labour Party)
Roy John WOOD (Liberal Democrats)
Christopher David CARUBIA (Liberal Democrats)
Denise CROSSLEY-WILLIAMS (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Melinda Zoe Acutt DOWNEY (Labour Party)
Phillip Norman GILCHRIST (Liberal Democrats)
William Ronald HARLAND (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Joy HOGG (Green Party)
Percy HOGG (Green Party)
Philip Graham MERRY (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Sarah OF THE HOUSE OF BLACKBURN (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Peter Anthony RAND (Green Party)
Helen Mary RAYMOND (Liberal Democrats)
William SMITH (Labour)
Nicole Wanda WILLIAMS (Labour)
Greasby, Frankby and Irby
Alan BRIGHOUSE (Liberal Democrats)
David Robert BURGESS-JOYCE (Independent)
Miriam Natalia COOKE (Green Party)
Tracy ELZEINY (Conservative Party Candidate)
Rosie Ariadne EVANS (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
David James FAIRBAIRN (Conservative Party Candidate)
Tom GREEN (Green Party)
Gail JENKINSON (Labour Party)
Darren Richard MAY (Conservative Party Candidate)
Grahame Ernest MCMANUS (Labour Party)
Cathy PAGE (Green Party)
Mark Stephen SKILLICORN (Labour Party)
Sophia BALLANTYNE (Labour Party)
Elizabeth Louise Anne BRAME (Liberal Democrats) Barbara Florence BURTON (Green Party)
Graham DAVIES (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Andrew Chapman HODSON (Conservative and Unionist Party)
Kathyrn Anne HODSON (Conservative and Unionist Party)
David Barrie JONES (Liberal Democrats)
Donna Mary LYONS-WHEARTY (For Future’s Sake – Freedom Alliance) Paul MAY (Green Party)
Michael James ROYDEN (Labour Party)
Jimmy SERGI (Labour Party)
Philip Christopher WATERFIELD (Liberal Democrats)
Hoylake and Meols
Max David BOOTH (Conservative Party Candidate)
Paul Martin CARNEY (Labour Party)
Fintan Ron CLEARY (Green Party)
Alix Rowena COCKCROFT (Green Party)
Tony COX (Conservative Party Candidate)
Andrew Mark GARDNER (Conservative Party Candidate)
Tom Philip HUGHES (Liberal Democrats)
Ian Frederick JOHNSON (Liberal Democrats)
Sheila MURPHY (Labour Party)
Julian Richard PRIEST (Green Party)
Colin William ROPER (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
David Mark SINDALL (Labour Party)
Leasowe and Moreton East
Tracy BLACKBURN (Local Conservatives)
Katie BRISTOW (Green Party)
Neil Henderson CARTWRIGHT (Local Conservatives)
Angie DAVIES (Labour Party)
Michael John DIXON (Green Party)
Karl Gerard GREANEY (Independent)
Paul Charles JOBSON (Labour Party)
Louise LUXON-KEWLEY (Labour Party)
Juliette Susan MANLEY (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset)
Chase Scott Frederick NEWTON (Liberal Democrats)
Holly Janet TURNER (Green Party)
Jonathan YONJIANG WANG (Local Conservatives)
Daniel Simon BRUFFELL (Reform UK)
Helen BURNHAM (Green Party)
Stephen DOBSON (Local Conservatives)
Vicky DOWNIE (Liberal Democrats)
William Paul GORMAN (Green Party)
Daisy KENNY (Labour Party)
Peter Dino LAGEARD (Green Party)
James Stewart LAING (Labour Party)
Lesley Catherine MAY (Local Conservatives)
Jane Helen OWENS (Local Conservatives)
Lynsey WELSH (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Janette WILLIAMSON (Labour Party)
Moreton West and Saughall Massie
Colin Leonard BALDWIN (Local Conservatives)
John Gary BENNETT (Local Conservatives)
Mark Stephen CAWOOD (Labour Party)
Hilary Jane CULLEN (Green Party)
Rick HUGHES (Green Party)
Niamh Colette MCGARRY-GRIBBIN (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Katherine Louise STUART (Labour Party)
Maegan Louise STUART (Labour Party)
Christopher Malcolm TEGGIN (Liberal Democrats)
Robert Noel THOMPSON (Liberal Democrats)
Jane Elizabeth TURNER (Green Party)
Paul WHELLIGAN (Reform UK)
Vida Claire WILSON (Local Conservatives)
New Brighton
Alexandra Clare BADWI (Green Party)
Andrew Neil BENNETT (Green Party)
Dermot BOLGER (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Andrew GILFOYLE (Local Conservatives)
Charlie HOUGHTON (Liberal Democrats)
Tony JONES (Labour Party)
Ann Ondra LAVIN (Local Conservatives)
Paul John MARTIN (Labour Party)
Elizabeth Ruth MURPHY (Local Conservatives)
Sue POWELL-WILDE (Labour Party)
Cynthia STONALL (Green Party)
Clint AGARD (Labour Party)
Allan John BRAME (Liberal Democrats)
Tony COTTIER (Labour Party)
Allan William GOODE (Green Party)
Philip William Barrington GRIFFITHS (Reform UK)
Rachel HEYDON (Green Party)
Stuart Edward KELLY (Liberal Democrats)
Jon LOACH (Local Conservatives)
Freda PUNNEN (Local Conservatives)
Mike REDFERN (Liberal Democrats)
Monika Brigitte SKINNER (For Future’s Sake – Freedom Alliance)
Colin VALLANCE-OWEN (Local Conservatives)
Alex WALLIS (Green Party)
Pensby and Thingwall
Ann Clarissa AINSWORTH (Labour Party) Paula Bernadette BASNETT (Labour Party)
Allen John BURTON (Green Party)
Ivan Ajay CAMPHOR (Conservative Party Candidate)
Mike COLLINS (Conservative Party Candidate)
Leah FRASER (Conservative Party Candidate)
Marilyn Ruth JONES (Green Party)
William Paul PARRY (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Richie PITT (Labour Party)
Mark Richard REEVES (Green Party)
Mike SULLIVAN (Labour Party)
Judith WOLF (Liberal Democrats)
John Gerard AINSWORTH (Labour)
Michael John CLEMENTS (Local Conservatives)
Christopher Brian COOKE (Green Party)
Mark DAVEY-HAYFORD (Local Conservatives)
Lily Joanne EVANS (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Sibani GHOSH (Local Conservatives)
Harry Ross GORMAN (Green Party)
Naomi James GRAHAM (Green Party)
Rachel MILLARD (Labour Party)
Jonathan Kent RICHARDSON (Liberal Democrats)
David Robert TYRRELL (Liberal Democrats)
Archie WOOD (Labour Party)
Rock Ferry
Susan AMYES (Local Conservatives)
Paula Bernadette BASNETT (Labour Party)
Frank DOYLE (Liberal Democrats)
Margaret Ann KALIL (Local Conservatives)
Craig John MCDONALD (Green Party)
Tony MURPHY (Labour Party)
Yvonne NOLAN Yvonne Carol NOLAN (Labour Party)
Helen Rosaline O’DONNELL (Green Party) Clare Julia O’HAGAN (Labour Party)
Gareth Wynne ROWLANDS (Green Party)
Tony STANLEY (Reform UK)
Paul TAYLOR (Local Conservatives)
Paul CARDIN (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Bobby CARTWRIGHT (Local Conservatives)
Tom LAING (Labour Party)
Adele Margaret LUMB (Local Conservatives)
Anthony John MORRIS (Liberal Democrats)
Hannah Victoria RAPLEY (Green Party)
Evelyn SORRELL (Local Conservatives)
Sarah Kathryn SPOOR (Green Party)
Kaitlin STUART (Labour Party)
Paul Charles STUART (Labour Party)
Rae VOLLER (Green Party)
Peter Johnathan ANDREW (Conservative Party Candidate)
Stephen BENNETT (Labour Party)
Andy BROWN (Conservative Party Candidate)
Debbie CAMERON (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
Lily CLOUGH (Green Party)
Alan DAVIES (Liberal Democrats)
Thomas Philip Steven MAXWELL (Conservative Party Candidate)
Nadia PARSONS (Green Party)
Jean Mary ROBINSON (Labour Party)
Tim WATSON (Green Party)
Jerry WILLIAMS (Labour Party)
Matthew James CHELL (Freedom Alliance. Stop the Great Reset.)
John Richard CODLING (Liberal Democrats)
Graeme William COOPER (Labour Party)
Ryan Wayne DAVIES (Green Party)
Moira Joan GOMMON (Green Party)
Jane Elizabeth GORMAN (Green Party)
Brenda Elizabeth HALL (Labour Party)
Steven Frederick HOEY (Local Conservatives)
Ian LEWIS (Local Conservatives)
Saul Aiden MURPHY (Labour Party)
Lesley Ann RENNIE (Local Conservatives)
John Andrew URIEL (Liberal Democrats)
Lynda Ellen WILLIAMS (Reform UK)
West Kirby and Thustaston
Karen Michelle BRENCHLEY (Green Party)
Barbara Florence BURTON (Green Party)
Ross Alexander CAMPBELL (Liberal Democrats)
John Peter CRESWELL (Liberal Democrats)
Jeff GREEN (Conservative Party Candidate)
Jenny JOHNSON (Conservative Party Candidate)
Paula Marie KENNY (Labour Party)
Mary Angela MACEWAN (Labour Party)
Simon Richard MOUNTNEY (Conservative Party Candidate) Richie PITT (Labour Party)
Peter Timothy Clifford REISDORF (Liberal Democrats)
Elizabeth Frances WATKINS (Labour Party)
Pat WHEARTY (For Future’s Sake – Freedom Alliance)
Mark John WILDE (Green Party)
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What’s in the Notice of Election for the election of 66 councillors to Wirral Council in 2023?
What’s in the Notice of Election for the election of 66 councillors to Wirral Council in 2023?
Polling station 3 (Holy Cross Primary School) Polling District (AC) Ward: Bidston and St James Date: 2nd May 2019 photo 7 of 8
By John Brace (Editor) First publication date: Saturday 25th March 2023, 23:15 (GMT).
On Friday 24th March 2023, the Returning Officer for the Wirral Council elections Paul Satoor published on Wirral Council’s website the notice of election for 66 councillors (3 councillors each for the 22 wards) to Wirral Council for the 2023 elections. Each councillor will be elected for a 4 year term of office to represent Wirral residents.
A copy of the text of the Notice of Election published on Wirral Council’s website is included at the end of this short blog post.
A major change this year is the new requirement for photo ID when voting in person at polling stations on the Wirral on Thursday 4th May 2023.
The public notice also contains details of the deadlines for registering to vote (if not already registered), new postal vote applications, amendments or cancellations of existing postal or proxy votes as well as applying for a Voter Authority Certificate and an Anonymous Elector’s Document.
The author of this article declares an interest as he is a person registered (and eligible) to vote in the 2023 Wirral Council elections of councillors for the Bidston and St James ward.
Name of Ward
No. of Councillors to be Elected
Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer at The Electoral Services Office, Birkenhead Town Hall, Mortimer Street, Birkenhead, CH41 5EU on any working day from the date of publication of this notice (excluding bank holidays), but no later than 4pm on Tuesday 4th April 2023
Nomination papers may be downloaded from the Electoral Commission website or obtained by contacting Electoral Services Office, during office hours up to 4pm on Tuesday 4th April 2023. Tel: 0151 691 8046 or Email: electoral@wirral.gov.uk
If any election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday 4th May 2023.
Applications to register to vote at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 12 midnight on Monday 17th April 2023. Applications can be made online at www.gov.uk/registertovote
New postal vote applications, and amendments or cancellations of existing postal or proxy votes at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at The Electoral Services Office, Birkenhead Town Hall, Mortimer Street, Birkenhead CH41 5EU by 5pm on Tuesday 18th April 2023.
Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at The Electoral Services Office, Birkenhead Town Hall, Mortimer Street, Birkenhead, CH41 5EU by 5pm on Tuesday
25th April 2023.
Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate or an Anonymous Elector’s Document valid for this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday 25th April 2023 Applications can be made online: https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate
Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at The Electoral Services Office, Birkenhead Town Hall, Mortimer Street, Birkenhead, CH41 5EU by 5pm on Thursday 4th May 2023.
DATED: Friday 24th March 2023
Paul Satoor
Returning Officer
Printed and Published by the Returning Officer, Birkenhead Town Hall, Birkenhead, CH41 5EU
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