British Transport Police officers are appealing for information about an incident at Hamilton Square Train Station, Birkenhead, Wirral that happened on Wednesday 10th January 2018 at 6.13 pm.
A British Transport Police Police Community Support Officer was on patrol at the train station, when a man came through the ticket barriers to use the toilet.
The man then attempted to leave the train station without a ticket. The Police Community Support Officer tried to stop him and ended up with a dislocated finger. The man was last seen in the direction of Bridge Street.
British Transport Police officers would like to speak to the man in the CCTV image above as he may have information that could help them with their investigation. Anyone with any information should contact British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 or text 61016 citing reference 374 of 10/01/18.
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EXCLUSIVE: NHS STP plan topic of special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors on 13th February 2018
EXCLUSIVE: NHS STP plan topic of special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors on 13th February 2018
Cllr Phil Davies (Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board) 9th December 2017
Edited JB 30.1.2018 20:09 to add more detail about what meeting is about.
When looking at the calendar of public meetings at Wirral Council for February 2018, I noticed a special meeting of the Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been scheduled to start at 6.00 pm on Tuesday 13th February 2018 in Committee Room 1, Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Seacombe, CH44 8ED.
For those that have been following local politics around the NHS, or who read this blog regularly, you’ll be already aware of the controversy surrounding the STP plans (or to spell out the acronym Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships).
I am told that the special meeting on the 13th February 2018 (which will be held in public) will be discussing this topic as well as the NHS Five Year Forward View. As the agenda and reports are scheduled to be published on the 5th February 2018, I can’t provide more detail than that.
However there is a certain strength of feeling both on the Wirral and over in Liverpool about changes happening and proposed changes to the NHS.
It is a political topic that arouses strong feelings in people, especially those that rely heavily on NHS services.
Wirral Council’s Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee will also be meeting in Committee Room 1 in public tonight at a meeting starting at 6.00 pm.
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How did Liverpool City Council respond to the fire on the 31st December 2017 at the Liverpool Waterfront Car Park?
How did Liverpool City Council respond to the fire on the 31st December 2017 at the Liverpool Waterfront Car Park?
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Mayor Joe Anderson | 24th January 2018 | Mayor of Liverpool Announcements | Public meeting of Liverpool City Council
At a meeting of Liverpool City Council last Wednesday evening, in item 7 Mayor of Liverpool Announcements and Updates Mayor Anderson (on his 60th birthday) after an update about the suspended Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald, gave a brief update on what had happened following the fire at a Liverpool City Council run multi-storey car park (Liverpool Echo Arena car park) on Sunday 31st December 2017.
Mayor Anderson (who can be watched in the video above), thanked the fire service and the other emergency services in their role responding to the fire. He also thanked Liverpool City Council staff, specifically the seven members of staff on duty manning the car park who had been involved with the evacuation of the car park. Liverpool City Council staff had made sure that the emergency services were called and stopped people going back into the car park.
He went on to explain about how people affected by the fire were supplied with accommodation and how Liverpool City Council had worked with hoteliers to do so on a “wet and wild” night.
Mayor Anderson referred to thank yous about the support given. He thanked staff at the Arena and Convention Centre and the Pullman Hotel who had supported the city through difficult times. He had asked the Association of British Insurers to urge their members to deal with insurance claims quickly. In response he had received a letter back stating that 96% had already been met.
The discs in the CCTV in the car park had been “rescued” and been “enhanced”. Copies of the video footage had been given to insurance companies. The inside of the car park had also been safely filmed by drone. There had been a lot of questions asked and he said that “some people want to bring politics of course into this which is often the case”.
On the subject of whether the car park should have had sprinklers, he stated that the car park met the legal requirements and that “car parks are for parking your car”.
Continuing he stated that the fire had started on the 3rd floor, it had started in a 16 year old car, that looked like it had been converted to a different type of fuel.
Liverpool City Council’s insurers had been “cooperative” and Liverpool City Council was dealing with them. He expected that their “full costs would be met”. Liverpool City Council staff had been on site on the day of the fire and the next day. Work had been done in an urgent way with four weeks of work carried out in a week.
He said “things are in hand”, and he wanted to make it very clear “how privileged we are to have such dedicated, professional and responsible staff”.
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University of Liverpool charges visitors £5 a year for using its libraries!
University of Liverpool charges visitors £5 a year for using its libraries!
If you only have £4.95 you won’t be able to afford a visitor card for the University of Liverpool library as the new charge is £5
I will declare an interest at the start as a former student at the University of Liverpool and a current library card holder in the visitor category. I’m also married to a library card holder in the visitor category.
The University of Liverpool has changed its policy this month and will now charge visitors who use its libraries £5 a year. This is referred to as an “annual administration fee”.
David Ball briefed Wirral Council Planning Committee on upcoming judicial review
David Ball briefed Wirral Council Planning Committee on upcoming judicial review
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