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   For the month of May 2023, 417,189 pages were viewed and there were 118,036 visits to this website. Please fill out the fields in the form below if you want to order a text advertisement on the Level 80 website in Great Britain pounds sterling (GBP). If you have any problems, need a quote in either Euros (EUR) or US dollars (USD), you have questions or need assistance, please email the Editor John Brace at

   If you want to advertise using an image file instead of a text ad, please don’t use the form below and e-mail instead. Please include in your email which page (or pages) on the you want it displayed on (as well as the location you would like on that page), the website you want the image linked to and what time period you want to advertise over (eg a month, 3 months, 6 months or year).

   Please note that PayPal will set cookies as part of the ordering process if you click on Add to Cart.

Cost: £199.12 (Great Britain Pounds (GBP)) for one month
URL/Address (this is the page on you want the link to be from) (maximum 200 characters):
Example (homepage):
Text of advertisement (maximum 200 characters):
Example: With Free spins casinos you can play free on casinos and claim exclusive offers like high value bonuses and free rounds.
Word/words to link (maximum 64 characters):
Example: Free spins casinos
Address to link to (this is your website you want linked to from a page on (maximum 200 characters):

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