Jack Beecham pleads guilty to harassment without violence at Wirral Magistrates Court

Jack Beecham pleads guilty to harrassment without violence at Wirral Magistrates Court

Jack Beecham pleads guilty to harassment without violence at Wirral Magistrates Court



By John Brace (Editor)
Date Written: 6th July 2023 07:21 (BST)
First publication date: 12th December 2023, 13:02 (GMT)
Updated (changes to last two sentences): 28th March 2024 11:30 (GMT)

Although this blog has previously published pieces on two judicial hearings at the Liverpool Crown Court in November 2022, under the headlines ICO accuse Jack Beecham of breaching bail conditions (24th November 2022) and Trial of Jack Beecham at Liverpool Crown Court delayed due to COVID (8th November 2022) for which he is currently (as of 6th July 2023) on bail in a case in the Liverpool Crown Court brought by ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) which is expected to go to trial later in 2023, this piece below is on a totally different (and unrelated) criminal case brought against Jack Beecham in the Wirral Magistrates’ Court.

On Wednesday 7th June 2023, there was a hearing at Wirral Magistrates’ Court (case reference 05A40002223), in a case brought by the Merseyside Prosecution Service (CPS) alleged Jack Beecham (as Defendant) had committed harrassment without violence. At the time of this hearing, Jack Beecham was outside the Wirral Magistrates’ Court jurisdiction, outside the United Kingdom on a planned trip abroad in Africa.

Jack Beecham alleges that he was completely unaware of the date and time of this hearing (hence why he was abroad in Africa) as the correspondence to do with this hearing was not served on his Isle of Man home address (which it is noted is outside the Wirral Magistrates Court’s jurisdiction) but instead (he alleges incorrectly by the CPS due to (he alleges) to an alleged error by a Merseyside Police officer) on his Prenton address, therefore it was unread by Mr Jack Beecham before the hearing on Wednesday 7th June 2023.

As Mr. Beecham was outside the United Kingdom in Africa, with no reasonable explanation given at the time (or prior) for his non-attendance at this hearing whether in person (or virtually), due to Jack Beecham’s failure to appear, the outcome of the hearing before Mrs Rushton JP on Wednesday 7th June 2023 in the Wirral Magistrates’ Court was that a warrant was issued for Mr. Jack Beecham’s arrest.

However as Jack Beecham was outside the Court’s jurisdiction (in Africa) this warrant was not immediately implemented.

Jack Beecham was on an inbound flight to Manchester Airport, which arrived back to the United Kingdom on Thursday 8th June 2023 at around 11 pm (BST).

As a result of the outstanding warrant for his arrest issued by Wirral Magistrates Court, he was (which surprised both him and his family who were there at Manchester Airport to welcome him back), arrested on leaving the plane by a police officer of Merseyside Police (it is pointed out at this stage that Manchester Airport is not in the Merseyside Police force area, but can be found in the Greater Manchester Police force area).

As a result of many issues to do with how Mr. Beecham was treated during and following his arrest at Manchester Airport, both in Manchester Airport and the subsequent trip from Manchester Airport to Wirral Custody Suite, Mr Beecham has made a complaint to Merseyside Police’s Professional Standards Department alleging that the action/inaction of Merseyside Police officer/s fell below the standards that you would expect.

In a statement issued by Merseyside Police on the 28th June 2023 about this complaint and arrest, Merseyside Police stated,

“We can confirm we have received a complaint from a man following an arrest made at Manchester Airport in connection to a warrant on Thursday 8 June.

The matter is being investigated by Merseyside Police’s Professional Standards Department.

As a complaint has been received it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.”

Mr Jack Beecham was then kept in the Wirral Custody Suite overnight (due to the hour) and appeared before the Wirral Magistrates Court on Friday 9th June 2023, but this time before Mr McCarthy JP and Mrs Clerice-Ologbosere JP. Mr Jack Beecham and having gone through a trying ordeal regarding his arrest the day before in Machester was unrepresented at this hearing entered a plea of guilty to the sole charge of harrassment without violence.

Mr Jack Beecham was ordered to pay a fine of £120.00 (GBP), a victim surcharge of £48.00 (GBP) and prosecution costs of £120.00 (GBP), which come to a total of £288.00 (GBP). For the avoidance of doubt, no custodial sentence (whether immediate or suspended) was imposed, only a fine.

Mr Jack Beecham has made a number of formal complaints to Merseyside Police. The outcome of one of those complaints is that Merseyside Police have provided an unacceptable level of service as his emails to Merseyside Police during the complaints process were not being read.

Mr Beecham was expected to be on trial in August 2023 in the Liverpool Crown Court for which he was currently on bail at the time of the above events. However on the first day listed for trial ICO (Information Commissioners Office who were prosecuting Mr Jack Beecham) offered no evidence on the two alleged breaches of the Data Protection Act 2018 by Mr Jack Beecham and a formal finding of not guilty on both counts was entered on the Court record. Mr Beecham was unrepresented during this phase of these criminal proceedings.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

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