Conservative and Lib Dem councillors granted special meeting to debate car parking charges

Despite the partial U-turn on car parking charges by Wirral’s Cabinet previously reported on this blog, after campaigns by Conservative and Lib Dem councillors on Wirral Council, the Mayor has granted a request for a special meeting to debate the increase in proposed charges at existing car parks and the introduction of car parking charges at various country parks.
The extraordinary meeting of Wirral Council will be held on the 6th March 2017 starting at 5.30 pm in the Council Chamber at Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Seacombe, CH44 8ED.
A notice of motion to that meeting (proposed by Conservative councillors), which can be read in full on Wirral Council’s website asks for the following:
“Council therefore requests the Leader of the Council to:
(a) withdraw his proposal of a 20p increase on all existing car parking tariffs
(b) withdraw his plan to introduce car parking charges at Wirral’s parks in their entirety”
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