Wirral Council’s Cabinet alters car parking charges proposal following outcry
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Cabinet (Wirral Council) 20th February 2017

Labour councillors on Wirral Council’s Cabinet have recommended a 4.99% rise in council tax for Wirral residents next year. However once the police and fire precepts are taken into account (expected to be a 1.99% rise each) the overall effect on council tax bills will be slightly less than five percent.
The controversial on street car parking proposals have been altered with a full report on the changes available on Wirral Council’s website.
The proposal to increase the charges at all council operated car parks that currently charge by 50 pence has been reduced to a 20 pence increase. The new £4 flat rate tariff proposed for country parks (Arrowe Country Park, Royden Country Park, Eastham Country Park and Thurstaston Country Park) has been altered to 50 pence for the first hour, £1 for two hours and £2 all day.
Proposals to introduce charges for parking at Birkenhead Park, New Brighton, West Kirby, Hoylake, Heswall, Liscard, Bromborough, Bebington, Irby, Upton and Moreton have been dropped.
These altered proposals will be discussed at a meeting of all Wirral Council councillors when they meet to set the budget for next year on the evening of the 6th March 2017.
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We have only won a battle,not the war especially now that Cllr Davies have left himself some ‘wriggle room’ by imposing a charge at country parks which,without a doubt will increase!
When the abomination of a car park was constructed at Royden Park,I asked if it would mean charging,this was vehemently denied by councillors-LIARS
There are plenty of people that’ll be cross at the decision to charge at the country park car parks.
You’re right that once a charge is made for something, it can then be put up later!
They have council meetings where they are getting paid to come up with the plan to charge for car parking in some areas which are free to park, then they have more meetings to drop these plans and they still get paid, no wonder tax payers get a raw deal and will now have to find more money to pay council tax bills when they come out
G’day John
I was going to have a week off commenting but you and Leaky keep winding me up.
This time with your photographic attempt to enrol “Clowncillor Wittless” into “Ankles” “The ex-Dunny Chain Wearers”, hall of ill-repute, high blood pressure gang.
He certainly has the intellect and low IQ, take a gander sitting next to his younger brother with the bleached blonde look.
I used to love taking my daughters to these parks.
But this sounds like the death knell, so that’s the end to it.
Another avenue of enjoyment is closed off and becomes a Council branded cul-de-sac.
Who wants to turn up anyway and sit there and watch tumbleweed bowling by?
Parking charges up.
Litter fines up.
Top salaries up.
Councillor allowances ring-fenced and holding steady.
Number of employees down.
Wage bill down.
Number of services provided down.
Scores of street lights off and electricity bill down.
So with a blunt axe taken to the council’s overheads, is council tax down accordingly?
Erm, no… in fact it’s gone up by 4.99 % to cover Marty Liptrot’s rocketing pay, further scoping work for a golf course, luxury housing and spa, and any hideously misconceived court cases done to crush brave whistleblowers like Alison Mountney… and to allow senior officers to attend court en masse to molest The Bible, prior to spewing torrents of falsehoods under the beak of a Wirral judge happy to fork out a trifling few quid from his £107,000 salary to cover his own 4.99 %, and whose Masonic chums are so busy clubbing foxes to death and shooting fecking grise, they’ve never even heard of Wirral Council.
Council tax up.
G’day John
In their ex-local rubbish propaganda sheet
Wirral Council ’caused distress’ to families of disabled children by axing school transport
And “The Shyster”, “Blot on The Lanscape” and that beatch from HR and assorted cruddish retinue in that court house over Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant wirral Waters wondered why I suggested they were effing bullies.
The care nothing for anyone but themselves and their fancy wrist jobs no wonder some got swine flu….and deservedly so.
I have a reliable source within the Town Hall who’s rarely ever wrong and he tells me that the whole thing was a set up from start to finish intended to evidence the latest mantra, ‘we are a listening Council’. Demanded by the Council leader and instigated by Liptrot and Macullum, it was all carefully choreographed to ensure that the pages of Wirral View painted a positive picture of them and their good governance of us.
This source, who gathered this information for your reading, hid beneath Liptrot’s desk for three full days eavesdropping in on conversations he had no business eavesdropping in on and i can say with some certainty that he relayed only the straightforward facts to me without any embellishment, for, it’s our view, and its shared by many, we want the facts, the full facts and only the facts and anyone who starts distorting the facts by embellishing becomes an embelisher who’s undermined the facts by producing an embellishment.
As for my source, I will never ever under any circumstances reveal his identity. There are two reasons. One, I told him I wouldn’t and if I betrayed him he’d cop it and lose his job in the Town Hall. Second, he’s only got one leg and being a unidexter it’s highly unlikely he’d find a new job any time soon.
G’day Bobster
Always great to hear from you and I think I have solved the quiz you have posed.
I am not drinking these days, generally speaking, but I am pissed for good reason tonight.
I think your “whistleblowing mate”, is it whistleblowing if he is only telling you?
He is “Phil the Very Very Very Very Slimy, Elusive, Lying and Deluded Dill”.
Oh ****, I am wrong.
I thought I was wrong once before but I made a mistake.
It can’t be “Phil the Very Very Very Very Slimy, Elusive, Lying and Deluded Dill” he hasn’t got a leg to stand on over Wirral “Funny” Bizz, Big, ISUS and Working Neighbourhoods.
Did this make any sense Bobsley about the underside of “Fartin Lobsterpot’s” desk?
Is it Spiggott, Bob?
It is Paul. Spiggott by name and Spiggott by nature.