Motion on Item 3 Projected Budget
Proposed Cllr Steve Foulkes
Seconded Cllr Phil Davies
Cabinet recognises that, although the projected budget gap is diminishing, considerable work is still required to set a balanced budget in March.
In order to avoid any undue delays as proposals are explored, Cabinet authorises the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, to undertake any appropriate consultation, in addition to the broader consultation already carried out, as required in order to allow the Council to meet the budgetary challenges it is facing.
The motion was agreed by all councillors on the Cabinet.
Cllr Foulkes then moved the meeting to agenda item 4 (Insurance Fund Budget 2012/2013).
Ian Coleman said for 2012/2013 there was a small impact on costs and savings. The report was agreed.
Cllr Foulkes then moved to agenda item 5 (Annual Children’s Services Assessment 2011) which he described as welcome news. A two-page letter was handed out in relation to this agenda item.
An officer said that David Armstrong sends his apologies as he was with headteachers in Anglesey. The officer said Wirral’s children’s services had performed excellently and were graded four out of a possible four. The report detailed how the assessment had been made as well as their strengths in educational standards and safeguarding. The officer referred to “Howard [Cooper]’s strong steer” and David’s role as acting director and the activity that was underway referred to in the report.
Cllr Ann McLachlan said it was excellent news, “fantastic” and referred to the letters sent to all staff in the Children and Young People’s Department.