OFSTED, CQC and HMICFRS require Wirral Council to prepare a written statement of action by 19th May 2023 addressing 4 areas of improvement in multi-agency safeguarding

An joint inspection of OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills), CQC (Care Quality Commission) and HMICFRS (His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services) has found four areas in which Wirral’s safeguarding arrangements need to improve.
In a letter dated 16th February 2023 to Simone White (Director for Children, Families and Education (Wirral Council)), Simon Banks (Place Director (Wirral) (NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership)), Emily Spurrell (Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner) and Serena Kennedy (Chief Constable, Merseyside Police) the following areas were listed as needing to improve:-
- How effectively the early help offer is further developed to ensure greater consistency of access for children across the local authority area.
- The proportion of children receiving early help who benefit from a coordinated multi-agency plan to coordinate that support and to help ensure that it is as effective as possible.
- How well the early help needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are met.
- The coordination of early help between education providers and the wider partnership.
Wirral Council (as the principal authority of the Wirral Local Safeguarding Partnership which involves Wirral Council, Merseyside Police and the NHS) is now required to prepare a written statement of action by 19th May 2023 addressing how the Local Safeguarding Partnership will address the findings of the joint inspection.
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Think this outfit is up to scratch?
Think again.
Thanks for your comment Paul.
Thank you for letting me post that link,John. I hope voters will follow it. It points to a Twitter thread that I’ve dubbed “The Wirral Council 101 of Scandal”.
It’s 101 references to different low points reached by elected Wirral officials over the last 10 years or so. I think you KNOW about much of this already!
Thanks Paul, yes as you pointed out I’m aware of most of the major political scandals that happened at Wirral Council over the last ten years.
I can’t guarantee that history won’t repeat itself though!
Without going to the link etc, just wondering how many children this effects? One, Ten Hundred or a thousand?