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Sherlock Holmes in the case of the mysterious £589.80 credit note involving Wirral Council and the detective agency

Sherlock Holmes in the case of the mysterious £589.80 credit note involving Wirral Council and the detective agency


Wirral Council invoice Rotherham Investigations Limited £589.80 1st November 2013
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson on a train

Sherlock Holmes: So what can you deduce from the credit note from Rotherham Investigations Limited sent to Wirral Council Doctor Watson?

Doctor Watson: Well Rotherham Investigations Limited is a detective agency. This credit note is for £589.80 and has overpayments written on it. So it was for a previous invoice that was overpaid?

Sherlock Holmes: That’s a good start. If you check you will find that the department that this credit went to was Wirral Council’s legal department. The spending was described as to a “legal service provider”.

Doctor Watson: So what did Wirral Council pay Rotherham Investigations Limited to do at some point before November 2013?

Sherlock Holmes: Who knows? Rather mysteriously (considering that the credit note is for an amount above £500) only details of the credit note are on Wirral Council’s website and not of any previous payment to Rotherham Investigations Limited.

Doctor Watson: That’s scandalous Sherlock! How were the public supposed to know that Rotherham Investigations Limited were hired at all?

Sherlock Holmes: Obviously either someone at Wirral Council didn’t want the public to know that they hired a detective agency or the invoices of Rotherham Investigations Limited were all below the threshold of £500.

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