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West Wirral Area Forum – 29th June 2011 – Part 9 – NHS (emergencies, out of hours, management)

The member of the public answered Monday. She said it should’ve been open till 10pm. John Parr said there were fears a lot of people had that it was bad enough Monday to Friday, but if you fell ill at the weekend you were in serious trouble. Efforts had been made, but there should be medical attention 24/7. A number of people had had experience of relations getting ill at the wrong time. She said it was a valid point, she was Associate Director of Diagnostics and Clinical Support which covered areas such as radiology. She said in answer to a further question that there were three acute care physicians employed to do so.

A GP said they had extended their opening hours but they couldn’t be open 24/7. Outside of these times people should contact the out of hours service. She said she recognised the knock on effect if people had to consult the out of hours service.

Chris said he had genuine interest in the working relationships between management and medical staff. She said from personal experience, she had started at Clatterbridge and worked in the NHS for over 20 years including at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. She said [Wirral University Teaching Hospital] was the most open and honest organisation, which debated and had healthy discussions. She realised these were difficult times and difficult decisions however they had no problems talking to anybody, talking to the staff, having open days or talking to the Chairman. A climate of fear was not her experience.

134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH
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