When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?

When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?

Arrowe Park Walk In Centre 8th November 2018

When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?


Arrowe Park Walk In Centre 8th November 2018
Arrowe Park Walk In Centre 8th November 2018

Councillors on Wirral Council last month agreed across parties (Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem and Green) to oppose the proposal by Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (Wirral CCG) to close the Walk-In Centres on the Wirral. The (Wirral CCG consultation on this runs to the 12th December 2018).

There are three Walk-In Centres in different places on the Wirral (the Arrowe Park Walk-In Centre is pictured above) plus three minor injuries or minor illness units. The Wirral CCG is consulting on closing five out of six of these facilities for adults and to change the sixth (the Walk-In Centre at Arrowe Park Hospital pictured above) into an Urgent Treatment Centre.

On Monday evening (12th November 2018) starting at 6.00 pm in the Council Chamber at Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Seacombe, CH44 8ED councillors on Wirral Council’s Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Wirral Council’s Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee will meet in a rare joint special public meeting just to discuss the Urgent Care Review proposals.

Bus Stop Bidston Village Road Eleanor Road Arrowe Park Hospital 8th November 2018
Bus Stop Bidston Village Road Eleanor Road Arrowe Park Hospital 8th November 2018

During the consultation period concerns have been raised about public transport by bus to and from the existing Walk-In Centres and any replacement provision such as the proposed Urgent Treatment Centre at Arrowe Park Hospital. This is in part because of the recent withdrawal of 20 Avon Bus bus routes. The transport issue was mentioned in this Wirral Globe article today.

Arrowe Park Hospital is in Upton ward where there is a byelection happening for the election of a councillor to Wirral Council.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

2 thoughts on “When and where is the special public meeting of Wirral Council councillors to discuss the Wirral CCG consultation on closing the Walk-In Centres?”



    Tuesday 13 November 2018


    In a sensational turn of events, Wirral Council’s Adult Care & Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee last night voted on Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group’s Consultation on plans to close local Walk-In and Minor Injuries Units. The motion, calling for the CCG to “cease the consultation” and work with the current Walk-In and Minor Injury Units to develop a new plan that includes keeping these services in the community was passed at the end of a passionate meeting at Wallasey Town Hall last night.

    Di Abhi Mantgani of Miriam Medical Centre, who has led the campaign to keep the Minor Injuries Units open, said he would be happy to discuss developing a new plan with the CCG:

    “In calling for return to the drawing board, the Scrutiny Committee has recognised that local people have overwhelmingly rejected the plans currently on the table. Over 11,000 people have now signed our petition. The current consultation gives no option to retain the existing much used and much loved local services. We would be happy to work with the CCG to develop a new plan that can develop a new Urgent Treatment Centre at Arrowe Park and keep the best of the local Walk-In and Minor Injuries Units.”

    To find out more about the impact on local services, and our campaign to save the Walk-In and Minor Injuries Units, please visit our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter:


    Save our Walk In and Minor Injury Units Wirral

    Email us at: savewalkinminorinj@gmail.com

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