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Wirral Council decide to sell New Brighton Marine Point freehold for £3,950,000

Wirral Council decide to sell New Brighton Marine Point freehold for £3,950,000

Marine Point (New Brighton) 12th November 2019

Wirral Council has decided to sell its freehold interest in Marine Point, New Brighton (pictured above) to Marine Point Property Limited for £3,950,000.

The site includes a cinema, supermarket, hotel, restaurants and various shops. The income to Wirral Council from the freehold (6% of the rents) was £208,298 last year.

A restrictive covenant on Wirral Council’s freehold title requires Wirral Council to seek the consent of the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to any sale of the freehold.

Leader of the Council and New Brighton councillor Cllr Pat Hackett made the decision to sell the freehold based on this report and a location plan shows the extent of the Marine Point site (outlined in red).

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