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Council (Wirral Council) 12/12/2011 Part 5 Agenda Item 6 Matters Requiring Approval By The Council, Item 7: Matters for Noting, Item 8: Questions

Agenda Item 6: Matters Requiring Approval By The Council

The Mayor asked for agreement of items (i)  Minute 175 (Cabinet – 3/11/11) – Provision for Inflation 2012/13, (ii) Minute 198 (Cabinet – 24/11/11) – Insurance Fund Budget 2012/13  and (iv)  Minute 211 – Council Tax Base 2012/13.

Items (i), (ii) and (iv) were agreed.

Items (iii) Minute 210 – Corporate Plan 2012/13, (iv) Minute 215 – Capital Programme and Financing 2012-15 and (vi) Minute 216 – Budget Projections 2012-15 in accordance with Standing Order 7(2) were dealt with as Agenda Item 10 (Matters for Debate).

Agenda Item 7: Matters for Noting

Minute 232 (8/12/11) – Local Account (Reason – waiving of call-in) was noted.

Agenda Item 8: Questions

The Mayor invited Mr. John Brace (a member of the public) to address his first question to Cllr Steve Foulkes. John Brace addressed his question to Cllr Steve Foulkes. Cllr Steve Foulkes answered his question. John Brace addressed his supplementary question to Cllr Steve Foulkes. Cllr Steve Foulkes answered his supplementary question. Cllr Jeff Green wanted to ask a supplementary question but was refused permission by the Mayor.

For a transcript and video of this part of this agenda item see Part 1.

Cllr Pat Williams addressed a question to Cllr Harry Smith (Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport) about 20mph zones.

Cllr Harry Smith answered Cllr Pat Williams’ question.

The Mayor asked Cllr Pat Williams if she had a supplementary question.

A question of Cllr Ann Bridson (representing Prenton) was asked by Cllr Stuart Kelly of one of Wirral Council’s Merseytravel representatives on the subject of a new station for Prenton and Beechwood on the Bidston – Wrexham Borderlands line as well as electrification.

The question was answered by the Merseytravel representative.

The Mayor asked Cllr Ann Bridson (and Cllr Stuart Kelly) if they wished to put a supplementary question.

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