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How much will your council tax go up by from April 2019 (if you live on the Wirral)?

How much will your council tax go up by from April 2019 (if you live on the Wirral)?

Cllr Phil Davies (right) 27th September 2018

Wirral Council’s Cabinet meets next Monday morning to decide on Labour’s Budget for Wirral Council for 2019-20.

The budget will then be formally approved at a public meeting of all Wirral Council councillors on the evening of the 4th March 2019.

All elements that make up the council tax (Wirral Council, police, fire and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority) are going up. In addition Cabinet is asked to delegate to an employee (Shaer Halewood) raising the fees and charges Wirral Council makes not on an annual basis, but on an ad hoc basis with one Cabinet Member merely “consulted” on the changes but not making the decision.

However back to the council tax. Here is a list of the increase in pounds (based on this year’s council tax) for each band. Not everyone will pay these amounts as various discounts and exemptions can apply. The extra amounts are listed in the following order, LCRCA, police, fire and Wirral Council. The councillors on the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority have yet to formally meet and decide on the budget (they will meet on the 28th), and also Wirral Council’s Cabinet haven’t yet formally proposed a budget (they will meet on the 18th), so these amounts are predictions based on current budget proposals. Below are the increases over the year.

Band (LCRCA increase + police increase + fire increase + Wirral Council increase).

A £12.67 + £16.00 + £1.52 + £29.48 = £59.67 increase

B £14.78 + £18.66 + £1.77 + £34.40 = £69.61 increase

C £16.89 + £21.33 + £2.03 + £39.31 = £79.56 increase

D £19.00 + £24.00 + £2.28 + £44.23 = £89.51 increase

E £23.22 + £29.33 + £2.79 + £54.05 = £109.39 increase

F £27.44 + £34.66 + £3.29 + £63.88 = £129.27 increase

G £31.67 + £40.00 + £3.80 + £73.71 = £149.18 increase

H £38.00 + £48.00 + £4.56 + £88.46 = £179.02 increase

There may be also be minor increases on top of the above figures due to amounts that go to the Mersey Port Health Authority and Environment Agency.

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