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Lidl offer Wirral Council £820,000 for land north of Upton Fire Station (subject to planning permission and site surveys)

Lidl offer Wirral Council £820,000 for land north of Upton Fire Station (subject to planning permission and site surveys)

Cllr Janette Williamson (left) Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources who agreed to the recommendations

Lidl GB Limited have offered Wirral Council £820,000 for a 0.3 Ha (0.75 acre) piece of land adjacent to Upton Fire Station. However the offer is subject to Lidl being granted planning permission and surveys of the site.

Lidl’s intention is for a supermarket at that location and a report to Wirral Council states that Lidl has agreed the purchase of Upton Fire Station (including the two semi-detached houses adjoining it originally occupied by fire station staff).

Due to the footpath running through the land owned by Wirral Council and as it is open to the public a public notice will be published in the near future asking for objections to the appropriation and sale of the land.

Wirral Council has also changed the purpose of the land it owns from “primarily residential” to “planning purposes”.

A map of the site in question can be viewed on Wirral Council’s website (the land Wirral Council owns is marked with a solid red line around it).

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