Lidl offer Wirral Council £820,000 for land north of Upton Fire Station (subject to planning permission and site surveys)
Lidl GB Limited have offered Wirral Council £820,000 for a 0.3 Ha (0.75 acre) piece of land adjacent to Upton Fire Station. However the offer is subject to Lidl being granted planning permission and surveys of the site.
Lidl’s intention is for a supermarket at that location and a report to Wirral Council states that Lidl has agreed the purchase of Upton Fire Station (including the two semi-detached houses adjoining it originally occupied by fire station staff).
Due to the footpath running through the land owned by Wirral Council and as it is open to the public a public notice will be published in the near future asking for objections to the appropriation and sale of the land.
Wirral Council has also changed the purpose of the land it owns from “primarily residential” to “planning purposes”.
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Hi John, I live in Upton and to build a supermarket on one of the busiest traffic islands on the Wirral seems stupid, even if they bought the garage site next door I still think the site is too small.
I will be objecting on traffic grounds even though I like shopping at Lidl and no doubt Sainsburys will also be objecting on similar grounds.
Thanks for your comment.
I don’t know when Lidl plan on submitting a planning application. However when one is submitted there should be details of the application number and what it is for on a lamppost on the vicinity.
I am afraid the figures are wrong, it was £1.2 million for the fire station, £440,000 for one house, £440,000 for other house, PLUS what they paid for the grass. Not sure where the figure you mention is from?
Thanks for your comment.
The £820,000 is referring to the offer to Wirral Council for as you describe it “the grass” and is from this report rather than the adjacent fire station owned by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and the two houses.
Everyone seems to be worried about the traffic congestion, it is ridiculous at best, but Saturday Sunday public holidays is beyond belief, I think if this is to go through you must advise Sainsbury’s to open access to their store from the bypass. But it is lovely and open at that roundabout would hate to see it built up.
I live in Upton and the traffic on the roundabout adjacent to the Lidl site is horrendous already .Heaven help any one in Moreton or Upton needing an ambulance ,no chance of getting through ,also another nail in the coffin for Upton Village sadly
Good plan, Bad location traffic will be even worse would be better on a less busier road.
If i remember this correctly, if some puts in plans and it involves making jobs for people then they can’t refuse, so looks like it will get the go ahead and yes we know they are in stupid places, I have a Tesco’s by me with a big sign that blocks the road and traffic using the road have near misses every hour but they won’t move it, even the Council said its in the wrong place and they gave permission to put it there
Lea road. Charlotte road. Are constantly over-run with mice! I have 2 cats who constantly clearing rd twice pest control been out twice!
Looks like a good place to develop fire station facilities….oh hang on…