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Planning Committee 9/8/2011 | Part 3 | Agenda item 13 – SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENT – REEDS LANE

Cllr Ian Lewis continued by saying the was aware of the needs to renovate play areas, but this was an exceptional circumstance. It had not happened over the last seventeen years. 4.3 of the report dealt with the construction at a location to be agreed. An area on the map was marked but the boundary was not correct. It had not taken into account drives such as two nearby residential private drives and access roads. The developer had been required to plant replacement trees. 4.6 dealt with the tree planting, which had not yet been complied with on both sites, only on the play area. 4.7 stated there was no agreement with residents and there had been no formal consultation. The record was clear. Page 48 section 4.9 stated there was no s.106 agreement for a green space.

There were nearby play areas such as Farmworth Avenue. However some residents wanted it removed as it had become an eyesore. The residents didn’t want one imposed. There had been a new play area at Reeds Lane last year costing £75,000 for Leasowe. At the point planning permission was granted there was only a play area with two swings. He asked the Planning Committee to agree to recommendation a). The £56,000 couldn’t be spent on anything else, the developer was adamant he wanted the money back but would work with residents about planting.

Cllr Ian Lewis was surprised over option B, but he expected the land would be adopted by Wirral Council. It was basically a grassy area. There had been negotiations to get the trees and paths reinstated.

134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH
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