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Where is your polling station (for Wirral voters) for the 2016 EU Referendum vote?

Where is your polling station (for Wirral voters) for the 2016 EU Referendum vote?

front of polling card EU Referendum 2016

Today is polling day in the EU Referendum vote. Here is the question on the ballot paper.

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

Polling stations are open on the Wirral from 7.00 am and close at 10.00 pm. You don’t need your polling card to vote, but you will need to tell the polling clerk your name and address.

Here is a list of the addresses of the polling station (Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations EU Referendum Wirral).

The first letter of your unique electoral number (eg A) refers to the ward (in this case Bidston & St James). The second letter (eg E) refers to the polling district within that ward.

Each polling district has its own polling station.

Due to this being a national election and the results from various areas needing to be collated, the Electoral Commission estimates a result could be declared around 6.00 am on Friday 24th June 2016.

However if there are recounts, or the result is close, it could take longer before a final result is known for certain.

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