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Wirral Council Cabinet 13/10/2011 Merseyside Pension Fund Annual Governance Report, Statement of Accounts 2010-11 Part 5

Cllr Steve Foulkes referred to the “massive” training given to councillors with oversight of the Merseyside Pension Fund. He referred to continuity and how it was important that the same councillors learn. He asked if the learning could be transferred?

Ian Coleman said it was a statutory requirement on trustees to comply with the national requirements. He had to make an annual return to government on the training that had taken place of trustees and of the Chair. He said it was a more rigorous training regime.

Cllr Steve Foulkes asked the Cabinet to endorse the report.

The meeting moved onto item 6 Statement of Accounts 2010-11 which was also introduced by Ian Coleman, Director of Finance. Ian Coleman said the accounts had been agreed by the Audit and Risk Management Committee and were a “weighty tome”. The Audit Commission had given an unqualified opinion. There had been a number of technical alterations, however there was no change on the position.

Cllr Steve Foulkes said he had discussed it with the District Auditor. He referred to the “tortuous route” and rewrites and said they had met the deadline “only just” which was “not impressive at all”. He asked why they [Wirral Council] were struggling when other local authorities were not?

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