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West Wirral Area Forum – 29th June 2011 – Part 2 – Bridge Court, WPH & health centre

The meeting went on to consider the minutes of the last meeting and matters arising starting on page 12. Regarding the demolition by Wirral Partnership Homes of Bridge Court, they could speak after the meeting as there was nobody from Wirral Partnership Homes present. On page 17 they were always looking for input into the structural maintenance programme. Pages 19-20 set out what Streetscene would be doing over the next year regarding local roads.

Cllr Ellis said it was a great innovation to get the Streetscene list and it was useful that they were getting better information out of the council. Regarding Bridge Court he was disappointed that the PCT had not sent a senior person which made him very disappointed. They had sent a statement, it had been knocked down by Wirral Partnership Homes as it was not fit for purpose. It was owned by Wirral Partnership Homes but he encouraged the PCT to look at it. Discussions between the PCT, Wirral Partnership Homes and Kevin’s department had pointed out it was practical to move the health centre which was “not fit for purpose”. It might move there which was very promising.

Sandra Wall of the Older Peoples Parliament said she was a member of a patient group and anyone who was registered with one of the three practices could fill out a sheet of paper and submit their comments. She was keen for people to submit their ideas for a rebuild and encouraged as many as possible to do this. Cllr Ellis quipped that they’d need a large piece of paper.

134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH
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