Planning Committee 25th October 2011 Agenda Item 6 APP/11/00834 Part 2

The Chair, Cllr David Elderton asked if there was a petitioner who wished to address the Committee. A Stephen Walker, who lives in Wright Street did want to address the Committee. Stephen said the petitioners had concerns over the new build, its effect on the character of the area and parking concerns. He referred to … Continue reading “Planning Committee 25th October 2011 Agenda Item 6 APP/11/00834 Part 2”

The Chair, Cllr David Elderton asked if there was a petitioner who wished to address the Committee.

A Stephen Walker, who lives in Wright Street did want to address the Committee. Stephen said the petitioners had concerns over the new build, its effect on the character of the area and parking concerns. He referred to the site visit the day before at noon and said they had struggled to park. He highlighted the fact that flats had been converted on King Street and Wright Street which had led to extra demand on parking. Mr. Walker said that if the user of the proposed garage had a car it would be a struggle to park there and there would be a struggle over access. He was concerned over the proposed building and damage by the builder during demolition to a neighbouring property. Mr. Walker was concerned that the site was not secure and the fences were down.

Cllr David Elderton thanked the petitioner and summarised his concerns as being about parking & access, demolition and security. He asked if the applicant was present and wished to speak? The applicant didn’t wish to speak, however a councillor representing the ward Cllr Darren Dodd did.

Cllr Darren Dodd said the site visit had taken place, parking was difficult, it was a narrow road and he had dealt with parking issues here for over a year. He said his concern was that the extra building would make existing issues worse. There were issues surrounding site safety as the area was an unguarded building site which led to antisocial behaviour. Cllr Dodd said the residents had genuine concerns and he asked for these to be taken into account.

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