Is this what an “open and transparent” Council looks like?

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Bam Nuttall contract Service Breakdown Structure page 1 of 2 thumbnail

Is this what an “open and transparent” Council looks like?


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Public Question Time 14th December 2015 where I ask a question to Councillor Adrian Jones

In his answer Cllr Adrian Jones states that Wirral Council is being “open and transparent”.

I provide below four pages from what Wirral Council supplied when I requested the Highway Services Contract that Wirral Council have with Bam Nuttall on which millions of pounds are spent each year.

These first two pages (according to the preceding page) are to do with the NRSWA Team (whatever that stands for). This team is described as “a separate team of 4 inspectors monitoring utility works and repeat defects. This team could integrate with the highway teams

As usual the thumbnails link to higher resolution versions of the same image.

Bam Nuttall contract Service Breakdown Structure page 1 of 2 thumbnail
Bam Nuttall contract Service Breakdown Structure page 1 of 2 thumbnail
Bam Nuttall contract Service Breakdown Structure page 2 of 2 thumbnail
Bam Nuttall contract Service Breakdown Structure page 2 of 2 thumbnail

Next is an email detailing some last minutes changes to the contract. The unnamed author of this email receives this blog’s first ever Sir Humphrey Appleby award for the sentence “Please find attached a revised copy of P112 of Volume 1, which now includes the omitted Tender Amendment relating to the uplift on rates for Coastal Defence Work in tidal conditions, and an additional page for Volume 3 Method of Measurement to be inserted in the Preamble, which compiles the clarifications issued during the tender period in connection with Price List Bandings into a coherent single document.

Bam Nuttall contract email thumbnail
Bam Nuttall contract email thumbnail

Finally, even the author of the Scottish Power Energy Network’s guide to connecting street lights to the mains electricity gets the black box treatment.

Bam Nuttall contract SP Energy Networks Connection Registration and Management thumbnail
Bam Nuttall contract SP Energy Networks Connection Registration and Management thumbnail

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

9 thoughts on “Is this what an “open and transparent” Council looks like?”

    1. I hear they’d got computer software these days (which improves the quality of the redacted pages).

      This is better (from their perspective) than the old way of using a black marker pen then photocopying it (which often had the unintended consequence of showing what it was you’d just blacked out).

      I’ve seen other councils just scribble details out with pen and consider this is acceptable!

  1. I noticed the other day workmen errecting pelican traffic lights at a crossing, which at the back end of last year where removed and the workmen spent 6 weeks laying tarmac and kerbstones to this crossing after removing said taffic lights, so i dread to think how many hundreds of thousands have been spent of this crossing, its in Poulton road in between the Mill lane/Breck road junction and Oxten road Gorsey lane junction ,
    At the top of Vaughan road they altered the kerbstones to narrow Seabank road, to help the kids cross going to school, i had no problem with that, but there’s now a lake of water where it builds up and no where for it to drain off to, yesterday they had guys out painting whited dotted lines on either side of the road, where cars are parked, WHY! And they are trying to save money, Wish they would fix the faulty streetlights so i can see where I’m going in the dark, and maybe fill some pot holes in.

  2. G’day John

    Ha ha ha ha

    In his answer Cllr Adrian Jones states that Wirral Council is being “open and transparent”.

    The man is just like AdderleyDadderleyDooLally Gra Gra and “Humpty Dumpy” a lying cheating scum bag.



    1. Well, I think the answer he was reading out was written by officers (as it usually is at public question time), unless that part he added himself!

  3. G’day John

    The most offensive and appalling thing I have read in their local rubbish propaganda sheet

    Cllr Chris Jones, cabinet member for adult care and public health, said: “This strategy has been developed to celebrate older people and encourage more opportunities for them to share their knowledge and experience.

    Is she as deluded as “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill”?

    “Highbrow” went to her scum bag husband and she was there at the time disgusted with Wirral “Funny” Bizz.

    If I had the audacity of this woman I would expect to be struck down by lightning.

    A disgrace to the older population of Wirral.

    Five years ago Wirral “Funny” Bizz.

    They are a disgrace to all people over 50 and made for each other obviously.



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