£110,000 Community Fund grants scheme now open for expressions of interest from groups for waste prevention, reuse, recycling or carbon benefits projects in Merseyside and/or Halton

£110,000 Community Fund grants scheme now open for expressions of interest from groups for waste prevention, reuse, recycling or carbon benefits projects in Merseyside and/or Halton                                                                Please accept YouTube cookies to play this video. By accepting you will be accessing content from YouTube, a service provided by an external third party. YouTube privacy policy … Continue reading “£110,000 Community Fund grants scheme now open for expressions of interest from groups for waste prevention, reuse, recycling or carbon benefits projects in Merseyside and/or Halton”

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority 5th February 2016 agenda item 11 Community Fund 2016 17 L to R Unknown, Mandy Valentine (Assistant Director of Governance and Performance), Cllr Graham Morgan (Chair), Carl Beer (Chief Executive) and Peter Williams (Director of Finance)

£110,000 Community Fund grants scheme now open for expressions of interest from groups for waste prevention, reuse, recycling or carbon benefits projects in Merseyside and/or Halton


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Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority public meeting of 5th February 2016 (where councillors agreed to continue the Community Fund for 2016/17)

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority 5th February 2016 agenda item 11 Community Fund 2016 17 L to R Unknown, Mandy Valentine (Assistant Director of Governance and Performance), Cllr Graham Morgan (Chair), Carl Beer (Chief Executive) and Peter Williams (Director of Finance)
Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority 5th February 2016 agenda item 11 Community Fund 2016 17 L to R Unknown, Mandy Valentine (Assistant Director of Governance and Performance), Cllr Graham Morgan (Chair), Carl Beer (Chief Executive) and Peter Williams (Director of Finance)

The author of this piece declares an interest as a customer of his business is employed by one of the Wirral organisations that received a grant from Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority in 2014/15 mentioned below.

Last Friday afternoon councillors on the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority agreed to continue the Community Fund for 2016/17 with an allocation of £110,000.

£57,000 has been set aside for regional (Merseyside and Halton) projects with a maximum award of £25,000 per a project in this category.

£48,000 has been set aside for district level projects (districts are Wirral, Liverpool, Sefton, St. Helens, Knowsley and Halton) with a maximum grant award of £8,000 per a project in this category.

Any unspent monies at the regional level will be reallocated to projects at a district level.

Three Wirral based organisations received grant funding last year (2014/15) through this scheme. You can read the full list of organisations that received grant funding for 2014/15 on Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s website. There is a detailed report about the projects including photos of some of the 2014/15 projects on Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s website (the last photo on the last page of that report includes a photo of former Mayor of Wirral Steve Foulkes and Birkenhead’s MP the Rt Hon Frank Field MP).

Tomorrow’s Women Wirral received £10,000 for their Inspiration Hall project.
Community Action Wirral received £19,982 for their Donate and Create Change project.
Wirral Change received £9,064 for their Too Good To Waste project.

This year the Community Fund is open again for applications from registered charities, not-for-profit organisations (including social enterprises), community, neighbourhood or voluntary groups, faith groups delivering community work, schools, colleges or universities.

It is a two stage grant application process with the first stage being an expressions of interest stage.

Applications are sought for projects that can deliver waste prevention, reuse, recycling and carbon benefits.

A link to the expression of interest form, guidance document and terms and conditions can be found linked from this page on Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority’s website. This page also has contact details for Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority in connection with applications for grants.

The deadline for the first stage (expressions of interest) for this two stage grant process is Wednesday 2nd March 2016.

If you click on any of the buttons below, you’ll be doing me a favour by sharing this article with other people.

Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

18 thoughts on “£110,000 Community Fund grants scheme now open for expressions of interest from groups for waste prevention, reuse, recycling or carbon benefits projects in Merseyside and/or Halton”

  1. G’day John

    I do love a good grant story.

    Have I ever told you about Wirral “Funny” Bizz?

    Just kidding I won’t bore you this post.

    I see you were a recipient of that email this morning.

    The one that shows that Wirral Councils great Big, ISUS and Working Neighbourhoods scandal and shenanigans has had a bit of an airing in Belgium and also probably by now Luxembourg.

    These scum bags do deserve international recognition, devious barstards.

    Australia could be next to be told of there dirty filthy secrets with such an alliance to “Crapapple’s” queen.



    1. As you left the same comment seven times, I’ll just reply to one of them.

      I am the recipient of many emails.

      As the source of some of the funding for BIG/ISUS was EU money, I’m not surprised.

  2. G’day John

    What do you think without giving the whole story away?

    I see you were a recipient of that email from Europe yesterday.

    Their games and filth over Wirral “Funny” Bizz, Big, ISUS and Working Neighbourhoods are now known of in Belgium and Luxembourg.

    They are international stars at last.

    They all must now surely regret taking the piss out of us two whistle blowers and allowing “The Pretend Friend” and AdderleyDadderleyDooLally to try to control two accountants with over seventy years experience against their bullshit and false sense of might and power.

    Over there in sunny Europe they are probably saying

    Wie zijn deze vette engels buffoons denken dat ze misbruik maken van slechte klokkenluiders?



    Come on Ecca fix it.

    slechte klokkenlu

  3. G’day John

    What do you think of the new excuse to extend “Highbrow’s” FOI about Big Fund recipients.

    “The Shyster” didn’t put his name to it he is as cunning as a s*it house rat.

    So John my original thought when Beverley Edwards was pushing me to do an FOI about the names of all Big Fund recipients was that relatives were all over the grants like Sir Git’s cheap suits and now I am wondering whether AdderleyDadderleyDooLally might have had some serial phoenixers on the books.

    It’s not his money anyway.

    The nice thing John is that I remain an FOI virgin.



  4. G’day John

    Talking of “The Shyster” I bet he is still saying he hasn’t read the reports.

    I think it might be time for Eric Robinson to invite the Wirral “Funny” Bizz whistle blowers in for a fair dinkum talk about all things Big, ISUS and Working Neighbourhoods.

    The last meeting we met with a rent an auditor with the alphabet after his name who stayed around to delay things. “The Pretend Friend” “Highbrow’s” supposed mate that was was their stalling tool for five years err I mean a stool. Then there was “The Shyster” who said at the outset that he hadn’t read the report.


    Meet us or get shot of your *hite.



  5. G’day John

    Talking of “The Shyster” being a shyster an answer to one of “Highbrow’s” FOI’s also not signed by “The Shyster”.

    Dear Mr. Hobro,

    Thank you for your request for information, shown below. From the search
    we have undertaken, the Council is not aware of any correspondence made by
    Legal and Member Services to the Director or to any regulatory body
    regarding the possibility of a serious breach of The Insolvency Act.

    Yours sincerely,

    J C

    John, someone should be sacked and the bullshit of not having read the report, in 5 years, is no excuse.



  6. G’day John

    No bullshit propaganda this week about “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill” and “The Chamber Potty” or the other member of “The Pot” gang AdderleyDadderleyDooLally.

    Is Fartin Lobsterpot on leave or has he deserted the sinking ship or are they all having a winter junket to twin with any country in Europe, probably not Belgium or Luxembourg?



    “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill” isn’t up for re-election is he?

    Wirralgate might have him bogged down after the combined authority told him to sod orrfff.

  7. John, it’s been my pleasure reading and posting my thoughts upon your blog. I consider it an honour to have been given a forum upon which I could insult, mock and humiliate Council Officers and Councillors I’ve never met, but moreover, more than anything, it’s been my pleasure to know your writing style, read you and be able to call you and James my friends. I wish you all the very best of outcomes during your mortality upon Gods good Earth and I wish you all happiness in whatever the future holds for you.
    For me? I’ve now decided to quit upon my stool and so, from hereon, mostly because I’ve bugger all left to say, i fully intend to stop tapping out my vowels and consonants and end my senile ramblings.
    Rather than just stop and say nothing, I wanted to go out in a blaze of glory and say fare thee well to you, Leanorra and my very good friend James.
    As for you John, albeit I quit posting with a tear in either eye, I couldn’t possibly hold you and your remarkable body of work in higher regard. You, the Leaks and of the course the menace to Wirral Council Paul Cardin are the single reason why my shelf life has continued thus far. We all have our sell by date John. I passed mine many months ago and I can’t do this anymore.
    Frankly, I’m bored with it all. From hereon, I intend to engross myself completely in internet pornography, tormenting hand reared ferrets and increase my betting upon uncertain outcomes.
    See you lad. Rob.

    1. That’s a shame bobby47, because a lot of people enjoy reading your comments!

      I hope things work out for you too.

      I sometimes feel too I have passed my shelf date myself, then something happens involving Wirral Council (or another public body) that makes me feel very cross!

      Sorry to read you are bored with it all.

      I think that when it is a council making decisions about local services that affect local people where you live, it becomes far more relevant.

      I hope at some point in the future you will change your mind bobby47! I’ve appreciated your unique contribution to political debate on the Wirral. You’ve brought a unique perspective to matters.

  8. G’Day and Goodbye Bobby

    I will never ever forget you for as long as I take the piss out of the absolute crud of Wirral Borough Council and beyond.

    Every bit of bile you have spat and crapped on the council has been fully deserved by these low lives.

    These scum bags are an absolute disgrace to the human species and their families should be told by you exactly what they are.

    They are vile excrement Bobby that deserve to be told by great great human beings like your good self.

    They should never in their public life be let off by you so please rethink the next time they cheat, lie, obfuscate and just act like the crud they are.

    Luv you always Bobby47.

    I wish you every hapiness in this life and next.



    At least write occasionally.

  9. G’day John

    Very sad to hear Bobby is hanging up his quill.

    Hopefully he will give us the odd missive.

    I was wondering why Fartin Lobsterpot doesn’t seem to be earning his money, or earning it by just telling “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill” to keep his massive purple head down.

    As history doesn’t change I think Martin Morton, Wirralgate, the £45,000.00 knock off from a nursing home that seems to have been forgotten, Wirral “Funny” Bizz knocking off about £2,000,000.00 and hiding report after report about asset stripping and getting shot of AdderleyDadderleyDooLally and listening to people like Frankenstain, “Ankles” and “The Pretend Friend” has all come home to roost.

    The Combined Authority would snap up the fearless err I mean witless leader of The Most Improved Clowncil in the Country if it wasn’t sinking in it’s own mire of crud.

    I am so glad that they have been a topic of correspondence in Belgium and Luxembourg.



  10. G’day John

    Talking of Wirral Borough Council being morally bankrupt not that we were.

    On this freezing Sunday morning why don’t you give me some more clues on the bankrupt as I am not very clever.

    It must be in the public domain and as the other 65 are equally morally vile, bankrupt and impotent on having their own say under the name of politics and thinking they are so superior and above the law.

    So I think you could cheer up a few people with a few clues on this day of rest, or do they all lie, cheat and obfuscate on Sunday’s as well.

    No reason they wouldn’t.

    Don’t feel bad John just do it as they had no qualms whatsoever about defending AdderleyDadderleyDooLally and hiding Beverley Edwards Report and the Grant (Chocolate Teapot) Thornton saying there was criminal activity and all stayed schtum apart from Simon Kelly.



    As I have said before John the alternate word on my spell check for schtum is scrotum.

    Yep scrotum.

    1. Well the bankruptcy runs from 14th February 2015 to the 16th February 2016.

      Insolvency practitioner Timothy Alan Askham of Mazars LLP.

      Further details on who are here.

      Here’s a statement from the councillor involved:

      "My old firm of Craft Tailoring does have some relevance. The firm some 10 years ago exceeded VAT turnover, from that moment HMRC added penalties making penalties that totalled £145,000.00, this was disputed and after a thorough investigation by an HMRC officer the figure was reduced to £65,000.00. These proceedings resulted in a court case with firm’s accountants, who were accused of lack of professional care. An agreed figure to pay was agreed with HMRC. Amazingly they took action in the high court, although they had agreed that no action was necessary. Arrangements have been made to pay an agreed amount, and for the action to be rescinded. Neither myself nor the firm has benefitted [sic] from this technical error. Indeed personal funds were invested to keep 6 people in employment. The firm has always paid large amounts of VAT, NI.and income tax. The agencies acting to collect government funds, have been extremely helpful and sympathetic and are satisfied with arrangements to settle this affair. The only loser in this action is myself. I was advised that this action does not affect my standing as an elected member, and I can carry on running a firm. I was disappointed to have to go through this trauma, so much so I am retiring shortly. I was surprised that someone should use anonymity to highlight this information, it has been in the public domain. This matter has been argued over for the last 4 years! It is now being settled to everyones [sic] satisfaction, except me. I have received messages of sympathy from several quarters.

      I am grateful that you requested the information. I have worked for 63 years continuously, and I have a good standing with suppliers and everyone that I have ever dealt with. The person who questioned moral authority, should know that a small target like our firm is vunerable [sic] and an easy target. If we had been Starbucks or Amazon it seems to be different. In view of the assurances given by HMRC on this matter at the outset, legal proceedings are being contemplated."

  11. G’day John

    Is he really a Councillor I’ve never heard of him?

    Has he ever done anything or is he just a sleeper like Jones?

    He must be another that didn’t speak up like the other 64 staying schtum or….. should that be scrotum?



  12. G’day John

    Another week of lying cheating and obfuscating.

    I would love to know how “Humpty Dumpty” survived when his boss AdderleyDadderleyDooLally was gotten rid of.

    There was a lot of reasons that Gra Gra with his 27 mistakes 7 seconds got “Humpty” up to lie alongside himself and the stinking ashtray with a football shirt.

    The three liars.

    Gra Gra didn’t survive, “The Football Shit” didn’t survive so how come “Humpty Dumpty” did?



    He must know the rest of Addled’s evil deeds that they don’t want a newcomer to OUT.

  13. G’day John

    About “Humpty Dumpty” some more.

    “The Chamber Potty” didn’t survive and “The Garbage Lady” didn’t survive so why should “Humpty Dumpty”?



    “Highbrow” and I didn’t survive and we reported two million pounds being knocked off, “Humpty” just kept his gob shut like the model sycophant and scum bag, liar.

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