Isn’t it about time for a positive media story about the disabled?

Isn’t it about time for a positive media story about the disabled?

Isn’t it about time for a positive media story about the disabled?

HM Court and Tribunal Service letter (PIP Appeal) redacted
HM Court and Tribunal Service letter (PIP Appeal) redacted

I’m writing this piece to address what I perceive as an current imbalance in media coverage on disability issues and so that people hopefully have a better understanding. Indeed it’s something I’m struggling to fully understand myself as I generally report on local government.
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Shaer Halewood explained to Wirral Council councillors why there is a “spending freeze” on “discretionary spending” due to projected £7-£12 million overspend

Shaer Halewood explained to Wirral Council councillors why there is a “spending freeze” on “discretionary spending” due to projected £7-£12 million overspend

Shaer Halewood explained to Wirral Council councillors why there is a “spending freeze” on “discretionary spending” due to projected £7-£12 million overspend


Wirral Council's Audit and Risk Management Committee (18th November 2019) Shaer Halewood (right) Cllr Jeff Green (left)
Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee (18th November 2019) Shaer Halewood (right) Cllr Jeff Green (left)

Public meetings of Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee aren’t usually interesting but yesterday evening’s meeting aired a lot of Wirral Council’s dirty laundry in public.
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Local council cuts led to people being held longer in police custody due to lack of appropriate adults

Local council cuts led to people being held longer in police custody due to lack of appropriate adults

Local council cuts led to people being held longer in police custody due to lack of appropriate adults


Below is a copy of the service specification for the provision of an appropriate adult service for vulnerable adults in Merseyside Police custody (for the financial year 2018-19).
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Wirral Council decide to sell New Brighton Marine Point freehold for £3,950,000

Wirral Council decide to sell New Brighton Marine Point freehold for £3,950,000

Wirral Council decide to sell New Brighton Marine Point freehold for £3,950,000


Marine Point (New Brighton) 12th November 2019
Marine Point (New Brighton) 12th November 2019

Wirral Council has decided to sell its freehold interest in Marine Point, New Brighton (pictured above) to Marine Point Property Limited for £3,950,000.
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ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments”

ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments”

ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments”


Ministerial Correspondence DWP (ATOS supply information for “Ministerial correspondence”)
Ministerial Correspondence DWP (ATOS supply information for “Ministerial correspondence”)

I’ve been reading through the Department for Work and Pensions contract with Atos IT Services UK Ltd (who trade under the name Independent Assessment Services (IAS)) which is a contract for PIP assessments in Northern England and Scotland. However in the area I live (Birkenhead) the PIP assessments are sub-contracted to an organisation called TICCS.
Continue reading “ATOS use PR business to “monitor websites and social media” “for mentions of Atos and disability assessments””

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