Planning Committee – 15/2/2011 – Part 3 – North West House, West Kirby

The architect Chris Taylor then addressed some of his points. He pointed out that the area had been previously used as a balcony. He said the design of the canopy wouldn’t lead to an increase in noise. Cllr Ellis (ward councillor for the area) said he supported Mr. Johnson’s concerns. He mentioned the house and … Continue reading “Planning Committee – 15/2/2011 – Part 3 – North West House, West Kirby”

The architect Chris Taylor then addressed some of his points. He pointed out that the area had been previously used as a balcony. He said the design of the canopy wouldn’t lead to an increase in noise.

Cllr Ellis (ward councillor for the area) said he supported Mr. Johnson’s concerns. He mentioned the house and flats close by which were all effected by this. He said he was a great supporter of development in West Kirby and that this was thriving and flourishing. He was however concerned about the upstairs and the use of the roof as a balcony. He said if the canopy was put there it would be like an amphitheatre. He didn’t agree with the architect Chris Taylor that the door was small. He said when the doors and windows were open a row was coming out. He said the bar had a poor reputation for adhering to the rules. He referred to the police being called out and asked the Committee to seek the opinion of Cliff Jones. He said there appears to be some good agreement from the residents that the noise was greater. He asked the committee to defer the matter to ask Cliff or his team to make an assessment regarding the noise amplification.

The Chair pointed out that the architect had said there was a small door originally.

Planning Committee – 15/2/2011 – Part 2 – North West House, West Kirby

The petitioner handed round a diagram to the committee members and told them his name was Steve Johnson. He told them his parents lived nearby and that he had two objections. He felt the application for a canopy was a change of use and referred to a previous application. He felt it was not a balcony, but a roof and the balustrade was only ornamental.

He felt there was no evidence that the structure of the canopy would cause an extra problem regarding noise. He said the design was similar to an amphitheatre and it would project the noise forward and downward. He had been in correspondence with the Director of the Acoustics Research Unit which was part of the School of Architecture at Liverpool University.

He pointed out an important, existing problem with noise. He mentioned out of thirty reports to the police, nineteen had been from music. There was live music and noise from these premises. He felt the worst was the first floor which needed soundproofing. There had been investigations by Environmental Health who were tonight measuring the noise.

He felt there would be noise resulting from people under the canopy. The noise as heard from his parent’s house was 85 dB. He again pointed out that the noise would be projected forward and down. He asked for the application to be rejected because of noise and that asked that the restaurant adhere to current licensing and planning conditions.

Planning Committee – 15/2/2011 – Part 1

The meeting started with the Chair, Cllr Mitchell welcoming those present to the meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on the 25th January were agreed. Cllr Elderton declared a prejudicial interest in item 6.

Cllr Johnson asked for a site visit for item 6 (Sheldrake’s Restaurant in Heswall) and Cllr Keeley asked for a site visit for item 9 (Woodville in Thornton Hough). Both site visits were agreed.

The Planning Committee first considered item 10 (a change of use from an office to a dwelling in Claughton). An officer said it was a departure from the Unitary Development Plan and there had previous been a refusal for a nursery here on highway safety grounds. There was no petition against the application. Cllr Elderton said for the benefit of the audience that although it was not normally within the criteria that it had been marketed. Cllr Mitchell proposed the application was approved, seconded by Cllr Elderton. All councillors agreed to approve it.

The committee then went on to consider item 8 – a canopy and first floor balustrade for a restaurant in West Kirby. The officer pointed out that there were objections to this application and the condition restricting any music or amplified voices in this area. The committee then heard from the lead petitioner.

Park Group invest £6 million in Valley Road Business Park

In a good news story for Bidston & St. James, Park Group have bought the premises they use as a headquarters on the Valley Road Business Park in Bidston.

Chris Houghton, Managing Director Park, commented: “An opportunity has arisen to consolidate our freehold properties on the estate and the Board believes that by taking this opportunity we will significantly reduce our fixed costs, enhancing both our profitability and our future cashflow and secure the operational base of the group for the future.”

Chinese New Year celebrations 2011, Berry Street, Chinatown, Liverpool

I went to Liverpool today to see the Chinese New Year celebrations in Chinatown. There were many crowds there to watch the entertainment, firecrackers as well as a fun fair and market. Roads such as Berry Street and Great George Street were closed off giving it a carnival feel. Below is a video I recorded of the dragon in Berry Street.

The crowd was nice and friendly. There were plenty of families there. Children were being handed out red envelopes by a guy in costume (see below for a picture). Certainly the Chinese know how to celebrate the New Year in style!

Chinese Arch and crowd during Chinese New Year celebrations 2011, Liverpool, England

Person handing out red envelopes during Chinese New Year celebrations 2011, Liverpool, England
Chinese New Year celebrations