Planning Committee site visit to land adjacent to 290 Upton Road, Noctorum

A report on the Planning Committee’s site visit to land adjacent to 290 Upton Road on the 18th October 2010

Planning Committee site visit to land adjacent to 290 Upton Road, Noctorum


I went on the site visit today. What is a site visit you may ask? A site visit by the Planning Committee is when the Planning Committee and officers go to a visit a site that relates to a planning permission application that the Planning Committee will decide on in the future.
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Cabinet meeting (Wirral Council) 14th October 2010

A report on what was discussed at Wirral Council’s Cabinet meeting held on the 14th October 2010 | Gritting routes | Sail project | IT tender | Social Services and the Care Quality Commission | House building | Apprentices | Blogs

Cabinet meeting (Wirral Council) 14th October 2010


To those who know me, they will realise I don’t deal with councillors of another political party in a partisan way. However I will tell a brief tale about what happened yesterday before the meeting.
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