Have the wheels of UK justice ground to a halt or do they just need oiling?

Have the wheels of UK justice ground to a halt or do they just need oiling?

Have the wheels of UK justice ground to a halt or do they just need oiling?


Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018
Birkenhead County Court

By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 9th August 2020, 17:03 (BST).

Apologies for the lack of blog posts over the last 3 weeks, a number of matters have meant like most businesses I have to carry on trading through the pandemic, which has been an extremely challenging year both domestically and on the export front. In addition to this since October 2019, the Department for Work and Pensions stopped my disability benefit (I was on an indefinite or lifetime award of DLA from 2008) for reasons relating to the disputed PIP assessment held just over a year ago at the start of August 2019. Continue reading “Have the wheels of UK justice ground to a halt or do they just need oiling?”

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) withdrew their costs application made in September 2016 for £1,261.50 against Mr John Brace in First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) case EA/2016/0054 (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority) and MFRA pay £500 already paid back to Mr John Brace

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) withdrew their costs application made in September 2016 for £1,261.50 against Mr John Brace in First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) case EA/2016/0054 (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority) and MFRA pay £500 already paid back to Mr John Brace

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) withdrew their costs application made in September 2016 for £1,261.50 against Mr John Brace in First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) case EA/2016/0054 (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority) and MFRA pay £500 already paid back to Mr John Brace


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 17th July 2020, 06:50 (BST).
Edited: 19th July 2020, 13:16 (BST). A revised decision was issued to parties with the correct case reference number on 19.7.20 and an apology from First-tier Tribunal Judge McMillan, therefore the article below is the situation at the time of publication (17.7.20), but has not been amended due to this addition.

Janet Henshaw (centre, former Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority Monitoring Officer) December 2016 talking to councillors about costs in EA/2016/0054 at a public meeting of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority Policy and Resources Committee (15th December 2016)
Janet Henshaw (centre, former Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority Monitoring Officer) December 2016 talking to councillors about costs in EA/2016/0054 at a public meeting of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority Policy and Resources Committee (15th December 2016).

The author declares an interest as a party (Appellant) in First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) case EA/2016/0054, as a party (Appellant) in Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) cases GIA/619/2019 & GIA/2503/2017. and as a party (Applicant) in Birkenhead County Court enforcement case G01BI932.
Continue reading “Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (MFRA) withdrew their costs application made in September 2016 for £1,261.50 against Mr John Brace in First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) case EA/2016/0054 (Brace v Information Commissioner and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority) and MFRA pay £500 already paid back to Mr John Brace”

HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”

HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”

HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which is the venue for Employment Tribunal hearings in this area

By John Brace (Editor)

HMCTS (Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service) on 5th March 2020 have issued updated guidance to staff on “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”.
Continue reading “HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals””

First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice”

First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice”

First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice”


Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018
Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018 which was the venue for the First-tier Tribunal hearing (Social Entitlement Chamber)

By John Brace – Appellant
Leonora Brace – Appellant’s Representative

Due to the ongoing nature of this matter comments have been disabled.

This is a report on a hearing of the First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) held on the afternoon of 28th February 2020 at Birkenhead County Court, Birkenhead in relation to a PIP appeal.

The hearing was before Judge PH Wolfenden, Mr PR Ferguson and Dr M L Newton and was listed for 2.45 pm.
Continue reading “First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice””

Linked High Court libel case and gross negligence case (Birkenhead County Court) against Wirral Council holds further hearing before DJ Hennessy in Birkenhead on capacity and limitation

Linked High Court libel case and gross negligence case (Birkenhead County Court) against Wirral Council holds further hearing before DJ Hennessy in Birkenhead on capacity and limitation

Linked High Court libel case and gross negligence case (Birkenhead County Court) against Wirral Council holds further hearing before DJ Hennessy in Birkenhead on capacity and limitation


Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018
Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018 which was the venue for the hearing

By John Brace – Local Government Editor
Leonora Brace – Justice Correspondent

The following is a report on the hearing held on the afternoon of the 5th February 2020 in Judges’ Chambers on the 4th floor at Birkenhead County Court. Chalmers v Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council is two linked cases (E14YJ013 and E24YJ652). One case involves allegations of libel, the other case allegations of negligence. Both linked cases were heard in front of District Judge Hennessy. Mr Ali Bayatti (an in-house solicitor) was representing Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council, Ms Chalmers was present and was assisted by a McKenzie Friend.

Comments are turned off due to the ongoing nature of the case.
Continue reading “Linked High Court libel case and gross negligence case (Birkenhead County Court) against Wirral Council holds further hearing before DJ Hennessy in Birkenhead on capacity and limitation”