Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 7 – Setting the Scene for Wirral Waters – A Green Infrastructure Investment Framework M53 Junction 3, Woodchurch – Major Safety Scheme – Cost Variation, Pothole Funding

Item 8 and its appendix were considered next. Kevin Adderley said there was a change in 4.2 which refers to the Housing and Community Agency which they had been informed of yesterday. The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills was taking forward the Green Infrastructure Framework but it was not confirmed yet. There would be … Continue reading “Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 7 – Setting the Scene for Wirral Waters – A Green Infrastructure Investment Framework M53 Junction 3, Woodchurch – Major Safety Scheme – Cost Variation, Pothole Funding”

Item 8 and its appendix were considered next. Kevin Adderley said there was a change in 4.2 which refers to the Housing and Community Agency which they had been informed of yesterday. The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills was taking forward the Green Infrastructure Framework but it was not confirmed yet. There would be some costs but they did not know what they were.

Cllr Phil Davies said it was a “really good report”. He referred to the £1.4 million of North West Development Agency money to be spent over four years. He said hopefully there would be job opportunities for local people. He was happy to accept the report and agree its recommendations.

Cllr Anne McArdle spoke next about the bidding process. The report was agreed.

Dave Green introduced the next report on M53 Junction 3, Woodchurch – Major Safety Scheme – Cost Variation. He said these were the final scheme costs, one overran but it was working very well. Cllr Harry Smith said the work caused deterioration to the highway due to the Winter weather conditions and that the Highway Agency was keen to reduce disruption to road users. The report was accepted.

Dave Green then introduced the report on Pothole Funding. He said this was a specific grant, where it had been used had been posted on the internet. Cllr Harry Smith said he had “not much to add” as the potholes had been identified after inspection he had no problem. The report was agreed.

Cathcart Street Primary School – Autumn Term delayed due to building work

An article in the Wirral Globe states that Cathcart Street Primary School in Dover Close won’t be opening for the new year in September as planned due to delays with the building work. It was due to open on Wednesday 7th September. Letters have been sent out to parents explaining the situation.

John Brace said, “The investment in the school was welcomed by Labour’s candidate Cllr Harry Smith in April 2011 in his election leaflet. He was pictured with the headmistress and Chair of Governors John Cocker (a Labour Party member). It is now a Labour Cabinet Member Cllr Ann McLachlan who has responsibility for this area (Children’s Services and Lifelong Learning) who is also a ward councillor for Bidston & St. James ward, where this school is based. Paragon Construction are the contractor for Wirral Council. Call-in of this decision was waived by the Lib Dem/Conservative Cabinet in April 2011 to avoid disruption to the school. Why has the work taken longer than expected? This doesn’t just cause disruption to Cathcart Street Primary School but also to those pupils moved there after Cole Street Primary School was closed.”

Cabinet 1st September 2011 Part 1 – Apologies, Declarations of Interest

The agenda and associated reports for Cabinet can be found by following this link.

Present: Cllr Harry Smith, Cllr Brian Kenny, Cllr George Davies, Cllr Anne McArdle, Cllr Ann McLachlan, Cllr Phil Davies, Cllr Chris Meaden and Cllr Adrian Jones.

Cllr Phil Davies started the meeting by asking people if he could make a start please. He welcomed people and explained that he would be chairing as the Leader of Wirral Council (Cllr Steve Foulkes) was taking a well-earned break. Apologies were made for Cllr Steve Foulkes and Cllr Jean Stapleton.

Cllr Ann McLachlan declared a personal interest in item 13 as a Board Member of the Beechwood and Ballantyne Community Housing Association, due to her being on the Livingstone Street Community Centre Joint Management Committee and the Gautby Road Play & Community Centre Joint Management Committee.
Cllr Harry Smith declared a personal interest in item 13 as a Board Member of the Beechwood and Ballantyne Community Housing Association due to being on the Livingstone Street Community Centre Joint Management Committee and the Gautby Road Play & Community Centre Joint Management Committee.
Cllr Phil Davies declared a prejudicial interest in item 19 as his wife teaches at the University of Chester. He said he would be vacating the Chair during this item and Cllr George Davies would be chairing the meeting in his absence.

Election Expenses – election of a councillor (elections declared on 6th May 2011) – Birkenhead (Bidston & St. James, Birkenhead and Tranmere, Claughton, Oxton, Prenton & Rock Ferry)

I spent the morning inspecting election expenses returns for candidates in the 2011 local elections to Wirral Council in the Birkenhead constituency. I have requested copies of the returns and invoices but here are the total amounts declared (split down by ward). I’ll double-check these figures when I get copies of the returns tomorrow:-

Bidston & St. James ward
Brace (Lib Dem) £279.02
Romnes (UKIP) £33.81
Vickers (Conservative) £169.00
Smith (Labour) £516.00 ELECTED

Birkenhead and Tranmere ward
Allan Brame (Lib Dem) £0.00
David Martin (UKIP) £33.81
Patrick Cleary (Green) £217.02
Philip Davies (Labour) £994.00 ELECTED

Barbara Sinclair (Con) £639
Bethan Williams (UKIP) £33.81
Roy Wood (Lib Dem) £0.00
Steve Foulkes (Labour) £827 ELECTED

Rock Ferry
Chris Meaden (Lab) £594 ELECTED
Ann Flynn (UKIP) £33.81
Peter Heppinstall (Lib Dem) £0.00
Joyce Hogg (Green) No return submitted
Barbara Poole (Conservative) £169

Bowler (Green) No return submitted
Kelly (Lib Dem) £1120.60 ELECTED
McDonnell (Con) £169
Williams (UKIP) £43.81
Patrick (Labour) £942.00

Broadshaw (UKIP) £33.81
Ferguson (Con) £169
Holbrook (Lib Dem) £1129.61
Mitchell (Green) No return submitted
Doughty (Labour) £1112.69 ELECTED

Pension Committee 27/6/2011 – Part 4 – Local Government Pension Scheme Reform

There was concern regarding the local government scheme. Averaging 3.2% of income the low paid would be protected, but the middle and higher earners were at risk of opting out which would damage the funding arrangements. At 4.21 the Local Government Employers Organisation had written a letter to the Minister. What was carried forward from the Hutton report was outlined on page 41. The local government response was that there should not be full protection, not tied into final salary. Hutton and the government had counted on membership accrued under the old scheme in calculating final pay. At 4.28 was referenced an important issue the judicial review over the change from RPI (Retail Prices Index) to CPI (Consumer Prices Index) change. This case had been brought by the trade unions and would be going to the High Court in July. The Public Accounts Committee had produced a report on the last changes from 2007/2008 which was in a separate report. There were risks to funding following the outcome of the judicial review, which would impact the levels of deficit and the employer’s contribution levels as set out in the detail report.

Cllr Smith asked about when the judicial review started on the 6th May would reach a decision. The officer answered that it would be considered in July, whether it was quick or not he was unsure. However when the trade unions had launched a challenge to the 85 year rule it had been turned down quite quickly.