EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?


Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) who was the paid organiser referred to in the email
Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) who was the paid organiser referred to in the email

The result of the elections of twenty-two councillors to Wirral Council in May 2019 were that Labour lost its overall majority and its number of seats dropped by two councillors.

Below is the text of an email sent from the then Deputy Regional Director Andy Smith for Labour North West to all Labour agents and candidates on the Wirral in the middle of April 2019.
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Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?

Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?

Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?


Cllr Chris Jones (Left) Joint Strategic Commissioning Board 9th July 2019
Cllr Chris Jones (Left) Joint Strategic Commissioning Board 9th July 2019

Cllr Chris (or Christine) Jones pictured above was re-elected as a councillor for Seacombe ward earlier this year.

After election those who are elected as a councillor to Wirral Council are required by law because of section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 within 28 days of their election to notify Wirral Council of any disclosable pecuniary interests.
Continue reading “Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?”

Why can’t Wirral Council refinance £44,500,000 in LOBO loans and why are 6 other councils suing the lender?

Why can’t Wirral Council refinance £44,500,000 in LOBO loans and why are other councils suing the lender?

Why can’t Wirral Council refinance £44,500,000 in LOBO loans and why are 6 other councils suing the lender?


Shaer Halewood (Director for Finance and Investments (Wirral Council)) 29th January 2018
Shaer Halewood (Director for Finance and Investments (Wirral Council)) 29th January 2018

Earlier this year I made a FOI request to Wirral Council for a copy of a long running objection that has remained unresolved for years made by a local elector in relation to LOBO (Lender Option, Borrower Option) loans made to Wirral Council.
Continue reading “Why can’t Wirral Council refinance £44,500,000 in LOBO loans and why are 6 other councils suing the lender?”

Wirral Council overspent its budget by £4.327 million in first three months of this financial year!

Wirral Council overspent its budget by £4.327 million in first three months of this financial year!

Wirral Council overspent its budget by £4.327 million in first three months of this financial year!


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Cabinet (Wirral Council) 2nd September 2019

Wirral Council Cabinet (2nd September 2019) Cllr Pat Hackett (right) presenting a finance report on quarter 1
Wirral Council Cabinet (2nd September 2019) Cllr Pat Hackett (right) presenting a finance report on quarter 1

In an extremely short seven minute long public meeting of Wirral Council’s Cabinet on Monday morning held at the slightly earlier time of 9.30 am, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources (Cllr Janette Williamson) was not present so Leader of the Council Cllr Pat Hackett gave a verbal summary of the written financial report in her absence.
Continue reading “Wirral Council overspent its budget by £4.327 million in first three months of this financial year!”

Are Wirral Council’s Wirral View newssheet days numbered after 26 editions?

Are Wirral Council’s Wirral View newssheet days numbered after 26 editions?

Are Wirral Council’s Wirral View newssheet days numbered after 26 editions?


Wirral View logo
Wirral View logo – the logo is from Wirral View’s website and is used here exercising the exception for news reporting (section 30)

Wirral View started (its first edition was in October 2016) after a troubled start when the decision of former Cllr Matthew Patrick to start it was called in for scrutiny by councillors in 2016.

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Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Wirral Council) 27th July 2016

ICO the regulator upheld Wirral Council’s refusal to release the legal advice relating to this departure from the Code in ICO decision notices FS50651166, FS50646730 and FS50646655.
Continue reading “Are Wirral Council’s Wirral View newssheet days numbered after 26 editions?”