Decision on controversial Saughall Massie Fire Station land transfer delayed

Decision on controversial Saughall Massie Fire Station land transfer delayed

Decision on controversial Saughall Massie Fire Station land transfer delayed


In a response to an earlier story on this blog headlined Will two overlooked covenants for “enjoyment of light” prevent a fire station at Saughall Massie from happening? Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service stated,

“the “Retained Land” detailed in Land Registry title number MS503610 does not include the land upon which Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority have planning permission to build a new fire station.“

I then pointed out to them that the title stated the following (I’ve underlined the relevant section which expands the definition of Retained Land for emphasis):
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Cllr Louise Reecejones criticised for failing to formally apologise for how she treated whistleblowers

Cllr Louise Reecejones criticised for failing to formally apologise for how she treated whistleblowers

Cllr Louise Reecejones criticised for failing to formally apologise for how she treated whistleblowers


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Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee (Wirral Council) 31st October 2017 Part 1 of 2
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Will Wirral Council start charging up to £25 a year for parking permits in resident parking scheme areas?

Will Wirral Council start charging up to £25 a year for parking permits in resident parking scheme areas?

Will Wirral Council start charging up to £25 a year for parking permits in resident parking scheme areas?


Cabinet (Wirral Council) 19th June 2017 Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport
Cabinet (Wirral Council) 19th June 2017 Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport

Wirral Council’s Cabinet will be asked next Monday morning to approve recommendations that include consulting residents on an annual charge for parking permits for those that live in the following resident parking scheme areas:
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Will there be a new community police station in the Carrbridge Centre, Woodchurch?

Will there be a new community police station in the Carrbridge Centre, Woodchurch?

Will there be a new community police station in the Carrbridge Centre, Woodchurch?


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Merseyside Police and Crime Panel 26th October 2017 Part 1 of 3
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Did Hoylake Golf Resort developer offer Wirral Council £300,000 if its planning application is approved?

Did Hoylake Golf Resort developer offer Wirral Council £300,000 if its planning application is approved?

Did Hoylake Golf Resort developer offer Wirral Council £300,000 if its planning application is approved?


Councillor Mike Sullivan (right) (Chair, Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee) 7th December 2016
Councillor Mike Sullivan (right) (Chair, Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee) 7th December 2016

Although this call in meeting about the Hoylake Golf Resort was last year, as Wirral Council have recently received the Funding Strategy from the developer (Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Limited), a decision by Wirral Council’s Cabinet on the next stage is expected in the couple of months.

Below is a transcript of the first fifteen minutes of that public meeting, you can watch video of the call in meeting about the Hoylake Golf Resort on Youtube if you wish.


Good afternoon and I welcome the members of the public. It’s spot on four o’clock. Errm, as everybody’s aware we’re here this afternoon for a call-in errm to discuss the merits and the demerits of Hoylake Golf Resort and I’d like to start the proceedings by calling errm Councillor Blakeley please. You’ve got five minutes Chris.

CLLR CHRIS BLAKELEY: Thank you Chairman.

CLLR MICHAEL SULLIVAN (CHAIR): Right I’ve got to go through the process I’ve just been informed, so sit down Chris.
Continue reading “Did Hoylake Golf Resort developer offer Wirral Council £300,000 if its planning application is approved?”