Planning Committee 19th July 2011 – 43 CROFT DRIVE, MORETON, CH46 0QS – Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, garage alterations and internal remodelling – Part 8

The report for agenda item 8. The decision: On a motion by Councillor Dave Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Eddie Boult it was: Resolved (12:0) – That the application be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this … Continue reading “Planning Committee 19th July 2011 – 43 CROFT DRIVE, MORETON, CH46 0QS – Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, garage alterations and internal remodelling – Part 8”

The report for agenda item 8. The decision:

On a motion by Councillor Dave Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Eddie Boult it was:

Resolved (12:0) – That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on the plans received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/06/2011.

The Chair said anything at the end of the agenda that related to a personal interest such as a staff member should be in a block. This was so it was not confused with the main body of the agenda. They didn’t need a presentation on each item and it should be at the end of the agenda as a block.

The officer said before it could be agreed, it would have to be by the Director of Law as he would have to agree to the change. The Chair asked the Legal Officer present. He said they could be dealt with at the end of the agenda with a full report for each application. The Chair said they had it mixed up what they were asking.

The Legal Officer said it would depend on objections. The Chair said applications relating to members of staff and councillors should be dealt with in the second part of the agenda. Cllr Kenny said he was happy to agree, as long as they still had the right to raise objections. The Chair said they didn’t need a presentation. A councillor said he hoped it wouldn’t lead to an extra fourteen items on the agenda next month. The Chair said they would have to be vigilant about problems.

Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Boult proposed approval. All councillors voted in favour so the item was approved.

Planning Committee 19th July 2011 – APP/11/00194 – Stadium Court, STADIUM ROAD, BROMBOROUGH – Construction of new B1, B2, B8 Use Class Units and APP/11/00491 – 43 CROFT DRIVE, MORETON, CH46 0QS – Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, garage alterations and internal remodelling – Part 7

Cllr Kelly asked if there should’ve been separate votes on the extra condition and the approval. The answer given was that the vote was on the proposal with the extra condition. The Chair asked the legal officers if they were happy and it was legal. Cllr Realey wanted a vote on the application. The Chair asked the legal officer. He said they had voted to approve the application with the amendment. Cllr Kelly said that councillors had voted on the lighting condition and it had not been clear.

The Planning Committee went onto consider item 5 APP/11/00194 – Stadium Court, STADIUM ROAD, BROMBOROUGH – Construction of new B1, B2, B8 Use Class Units. The officer said it was a major application for ten industrial units. B1, B2 & B8 uses were acceptable in the area, so was the scale and massing. Previously it had been a vacant site. Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Realey proposed it be approved. Councillors voted in favour of approval.

The next item was item 8

APP/11/00491 – 43 CROFT DRIVE, MORETON, CH46 0QS – Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, garage alterations and internal remodelling. The officer said it was a householder application for a two storey side and rear extension. It had been designed to avoid a terracing effect and was recommended for approval. Cllr Mitchell said he agreed but he would like to make the point that the application was part of the employment of a councillor, which would normally be dealt with by the delegated process. He said it would be easier if they were all left as a block item on their own on the agenda, then they would be seen on their own.

Planning Committee 19th July 2011 – The Wro, North West House, GRANGE ROAD, WEST KIRBY, CH48 4DY – Signage for the Bar Cafe – Part 6

The next item was agenda item 4 The Wro, North West House, GRANGE ROAD, WEST KIRBY, CH48 4DY – Signage for the Bar Cafe. The officer said it was a resubmission for an illuminated sign. It had previously been refused but they had now lowered the height. The level of illumination did not exceed that in the technical guidance with was 600 candelas per a square metre. The proposal was 300 candelas per a square metre. It did not lead to clutter.

Cllr Boult said he had no problem with it, but could they add a condition that the light would be on during the time the business was open and switched off outside those hours?

The officer said it was not necessary.

The Chair said he didn’t believe it was obtrusive, but what about late at night? Cllr Boult said it had been dropped down so it was more at eye level. At 3am or 4am it would be intrusive, but he had no problem with it being there. The Chair said he believed there should be a time limit on the signage. Cllr Boult and Cllr Mitchell moved this as a proposal. The Chair asked how a meaningful condition would be phrased? The officer said it would be when the premises were closed. There was a vote. Eight councillors voted in favour. The Chair said having the lights off would save them electricity. Four councillors voted against (three Labour except Cllr Salter). It was approved with the extra condition that the sign would be turned off when the business was closed.

Planning Committee 19th July 2011 – APP/11/00495 – 133 DIBBINS HEY, SPITAL, CH63 9HE – Proposed garage, lounge and porch extension – Part 5

The next item to be considered was item 10 – APP/11/00495 – 133 DIBBINS HEY, SPITAL, CH63 9HE – Proposed garage, lounge and porch extension. The officer introduced is as a resubmission of a previous application that had been refused and had its appeal dismissed. There was a proposed reduction of one metre, but this was not acceptable and it did not meet guidelines as it was contrary to policy HS11. The officers therefore recommended it for approval.

The Chair said the site visit had been beneficial. Cllr Salter said on the site visit, he had seen the size of the extension and understood the reasons. He said it was “well worth going on the site visit” and he had also been shown photographs. The Chair said the site visit had been helpful. Cllr Boult and Cllr Salter recommended it for refusal. All councillors voted to refuse this planning application so it was refused.

The meeting then resumed to the order of the agenda.

Planning Committee 19th July 2011 – APP/11/00487 – Cleared Site, ORRETS MEADOW ROAD, WOODCHURCH, CH49 9BJ – Proposed development of 14no. 3bedroom houses. Part 4

The next item to be considered was item 7 – APP/11/00487 – Cleared Site, ORRETS MEADOW ROAD, WOODCHURCH, CH49 9BJ – Proposed development of 14no. 3bedroom houses.

The officer said it was for fourteen two storey dwellings, there were restrictions on housing in the area and the interim housing policy applied. However the applicant had shown there was a local housing need for affordable housing. The design was acceptable and it was recommended for approval subject to a s.106 agreement.

Cllr Mitchell said there had been a series of similar applications in the area, but the original approved layout had not been adhered to. He hoped the applicant and agent would adhere to the layout recommended by Wirral Council. He said there would be a benefit to double-check this otherwise it would be a fait accompli. He asked if a condition could be added?

The officer said the developer was tied into the plans by the decision notice, however there could be a special decision regarding the plans however it was not normal to check.

Cllr Mitchell said it had been done last time.
The Chair said on this occasion they should consider it.
The officer said they’d put an informative in [as part of the decision notice]. The Chair said he was happy. Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Salter recommended it for approval. All councillors voted for it.