Councillors heckled at meeting of Liverpool City Council’s Environment and Climate Change Select Committee
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Liverpool, always the home of progressivism had suffered a bit of a setback to its revolutionary verve of late and a public meeting of Liverpool City Council’s Environment and Climate Change Select Committee happened like a Balzacian play about the Ancien Régime set in the time of the French Revolution (indeed one suggestion made during the meeting was for a citizens’ assembly).
The meeting started with the microphones not working and a Liverpool City Council employee requesting an adjournment. Around a dozen members of the public were present.
Written questions from the public ranged on topics from the expansion of Liverpool John Lennon Airport, the South Liverpool Key Corridor, recycling, parks, the sale of land, the change of use of land, public question time itself, green space, wildflowers, public transport, trees, the Cruise Liner Terminal, rubbish, food waste and building regulations.
Around fifteen questions had been posed in writing by the public before the meeting and the Cabinet Member Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins had prepared answers to be approved by the Committee.
Cllr Laura Robertson-Collin’s report referred to the cross-party work, air quality and transport (Clean Air Zone, “bus-gate”, Festival Garden Site development, walking to school), wildflowers, trees, pocket parks, waste reduction, staff champions and competition.
Chaired extremely patiently by Cllr Dr Lena Simic (despite a lot of heckling), the meeting also heard from Cllr Liam Robinson, who gave an update on what the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority was doing.
A motion about the Cruise Liner Terminal proposed by Cllr Lawrence Brown (there are two councillors called Brown on this Committee but he’s the Green Party councillor) referred to as “disingenuous” by Labour Councillor Tony Concepcion was amended by the Labour councillors before being voted on.
However a motion about protecting trees and ending the use of pesticides attracted support.
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There are many people who do not believe in Climate Change and reject anything that implies that care and conservation is required.
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As all parties on Liverpool City Council have agreed to a climate emergency – the debate has moved on to whether climate change is an issue to what to do about it.
However the environmental problems experienced by a city are probably worse than those on the Wirral.
The environmental problems of Climate Change affect every part of the World but the extent is different depending on proximity to the sea.
The Wirral is, quite possibly, unique in the UK as it might be the only UK Borough bounded by sea on three sides.
Here we go again, Climate change!
If the whole world stopped using cars for a year, it wouldn’t make any difference to the climate!
What they need to do it stop the Rain Forrest being cut down as that is knocking the balance out of synth, the more trees cut down is another year less for the planet!
Thanks for your comment.
As one of the many people in this country with asthma – I’d welcome a ban on petrol/diesel vehicles – which is going to happen (eventually) anyway.
I might point out that at least one manufacturer of diesel vehicles deliberately designed their vehicles to “cheat” emission tests anyway! Did those vehicles get scrapped though? No they didn’t.
However in the meantime I would guess that the use of polluting vehicles will just be discouraged rather than outright banned.
Although transport is one source of air pollution – and yes nature is out of balance through what people are doing – if people carry on doing what they are doing now the consequences are the following:-
a) more severe weather, more frequently (by that I mean wind, rain, snow, flooding etc etc),
b) impacts on crops (which then impacts food prices),
c) greater desertification (which also increases food prices),
d) impacts on the oceans (which again impacts food prices).
But just inject some realism into this though – for economic reasons a lot of the changes required to stop climate change will (and already have been) delayed, blocked, stalled, or opposed.
The problem is that all countries have to all agree to make the changes and stick to that agreement – because if one doesn’t, not only does it set a bad example, but it gives them an economic advantage over the others (hence the stated reason for America’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement next year).
Sad basket case. I will bet that you voted for Brexit and the overweight bullingham thug.
I don’t believe in little Greta, her Cult of hysteria that’s traumatising young children, I don’t believe in Extinction Rebellion that draws upon young ignorant people that are temperamentally drawn to noble causes because good and kindly sounding noble causes happen to suit their ideological needs during puberty and adolescence, I don’t believe in the one sided bit of the argument on climate change and I certainly don’t believe in our politicians, who having reached their personal level of incompetence many years before they won elected office and daily prove to all of us that not one of them is bright enough to stop one bucket full of ice melting on either of the two polar bloody ice caps. I reject it all.
Frankly, if the Earth was to crack in two and the oceans were to boil in some dreadful apocalyptic event in say five hundred years, I honestly couldn’t care less. I won’t be here and neither will my direct descendants. As for those left behind to endure the End of Dats? Well, seeing as I’ll never meet them and probably wouldn’t want to if I had the bloody choice, frankly they can get stuffed.
For my part I want nothing to do with a child such as Greta who’s scheming parents and their deranged ideologues who slavishly follow her every word. They won’t stop until the planet anoints Greta as High Priestess of the World.
Thereafter, once this child tires of this bollocks, she’ll shift her attentions to politics and become President of Humanity. In between, there’s the book deals, film deals, strictly come dancing, a host of cooking shows and a billion quid for spending a fortnight with other pointless celebrities in the Australian Jungle.
Buggar it all. Sod the lot of them. There you have it. I don’t bloody care a jot and neither should anyone else