Councillors on Liverpool City Council expected to vote themselves a 2% increase in allowances next Wednesday evening

Next Wednesday evening (22nd May 2019) councillors on Liverpool City Council are expected to agree to a 2% increase in the allowances paid to councillors and its Elected Mayor.
Currently the Elected Mayor receives an annual allowance of £81,901 and each councillor a basic allowance of £10,382. In addition to the basic annual allowance a councillor who is the Deputy Mayor receives a further £29,484 and Cabinet Members receive an extra £13,009. Other councillors who are Mayoral Leads or chair various Liverpool City Council committees receive additional amounts ranging from £7,417 to £8,659.
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The recommendation to increase allowances was made by Liverpool City Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel, but the subject was discussed recently at a public meeting by councillors on Liverpool City Council’s Constitutional Issues Committee (which can be watched above).
The public meeting of Liverpool City Council councillors to decide on whether to accept the recommendation for a 2% rise in allowancs will be held on the 22nd May 2019 starting at 5.00 pm in the Council Chamber at Liverpool Town Hall, High St, Liverpool, L2 3SW.
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Got a pay rise in March, Tax man took most of it, Gas, Electric, Water, Food prices goes up, Petrol goes up every week, oh and my council Tax goes up = No better off?
If I compare my 2018-19 annual pay to what I earned in 2017-18 it’s a pay cut in my self employed earnings by a few thousand pounds.
Yet we pay extra council tax and yes electric, water, food and the price of petrol go up (we don’t have gas).
Any pay rise my wife has had (thankfully she pays the council tax not me) just gets gobbled up in an increased cost of living.
Are they serious, look at the state of the areas around Liverpool, it’s taken all this time (5yeas) to get some major and minor maintenance at the swim centre and to keep streets and parks clear of dumped rubbish maybe they should take to 2% of their time to really see what needs doing yeah it’s okay the CBD is being made beautiful what about the outer suburbs of Liverpool, magnificent new area around Warick Farm, while across the road is a brothel a dirty unkept Motel where we all know is frequented by ladies of the night
Thanks for your comment.
The decision on councillors allowances is to be taken this evening (but if implemented will come into effect from today).
Which swim centre are you referring to and is it one run by Liverpool City Council?
Yes Liverpool City Council have a legal duty to keep the streets and parks clear of dumped rubbish.
Indeed councillors could argue that an increase in allowances is warranted because of the high level of dumped rubbish problems that they deal with (which involve extra travel to see the sites involved or extra equipment such as a camera to take photos).
The CBD of Liverpool (at least part of it) benefits from being in a Business Improvement District, which means local businesses pay extra tax for a higher level of local services.
The latter problem you mention is outside the remit of Liverpool City Council as it’s a Merseyside Police issue.
Liverpool City Council do collect council tax that is passed onto Merseyside Police, but Liverpool City Council’s role is not the investigation of this sort of alleged criminal activity (although Liverpool City Council do have an investigation/enforcement role when it comes to environmental crimes such as flytipping).