UPDATED: Last day of 4-week Lyndale School closure consultation: request for consultation responses

UPDATED: Last day of 4-week Lyndale School closure consultation: request for consultation responses

UPDATED: Last day of 4-week Lyndale School closure consultation: request for consultation responses


Councillor Tony Smith at the Special Cabinet Meeting of 4th September 2014 to discuss Lyndale School L to R Cllr Stuart Whittingham, Cllr Tony Smith, Cllr Bernie Mooney, Lyndzay Roberts
Councillor Tony Smith at the Special Cabinet Meeting of 4th September 2014 to discuss Lyndale School L to R Cllr Stuart Whittingham, Cllr Tony Smith, Cllr Bernie Mooney, Lyndzay Roberts

UPDATED 19/11/2014 16:12 to include anonymised consultation response received.

First copy of a response to the consultation (he or she wishes to remain anonymous) is added here:

“I am writing in response to the consultation. As a Wirral resident, I believe that this school should remain open. I am not convinced that it will be in the best interests of the children of Lyndale or the other two schools for Lyndale to close. Further, I have not seen evidence that the independent consultants report was based on an in depth analysis of the children’s needs. The consultant appears to have spent little time with the school staff or parents. These children have really specialist needs and the Council should take into account that the most vulnerable children must be protected the most. This is a matter of humanity. The financial argument is not convincing so why close? ”

Today is the last day of the four-week consultation on closure of the Lyndale School from January 2016. The details are currently on Wirral Council’s website.

Shortly before Christmas on the 17th December 2014 Wirral Council’s Cabinet will meet to discuss (and probably) decide what to do next.

I was planning tomorrow to make a FOI request to responses to this current consultation. Wirral Council refused my FOI request for responses to the previous consultation that ran from 2nd April 2014 to 25th June 2014. I requested an internal review as they stated on the 29th July 2014 they would publish them in September (but never did). I’m still waiting for the internal review.

On the basis I’m sure I’ll get a similar response if I make a FOI request tomorrow for responses to the four-week consultation closing today, if you have responded to this consultation and would like me to publish your response (whether anonymously or not), please email me at john.brace@gmail.com.

I’ll do my best to publish consultation responses I do receive on this blog ahead of the Cabinet meeting on the 17th December 2014.

UPDATED 27/11/2014 You can now read the second consultation response from Cllr Phil Gilchrist here.

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Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

11 thoughts on “UPDATED: Last day of 4-week Lyndale School closure consultation: request for consultation responses”

  1. G’day John

    After them causing a lot of people a lot of pain and heartache I can see some one wanting to be considered a hero(s) when they save this wonderful place.



    Ps They are just vile.

    1. I’m tempted to write (just for the laughs), do you see the Labour councillors on the Cabinet as some of your personal heroes then?

      Although I think I could somewhat guess what your answer would be to that question.

      I predict if Cabinet decide to close it, the decision will be called in. Then by the time of the call in, whichever way that goes I predict one of the parents of a child at Lyndale School will have sued Wirral Council over its decision on closure.

      So then it’ll be a court reporting matter not a council reporting matter.

      Whether the court can hear such a complex case and decide on it before January 2016 comes round is of course an interesting point…

    2. G’day John

      Today’s Echo mate “Phil the Dill” smiling all over the page after some more people don’t go ahead with his golf course nonsense. Another disaster. Keep smiling and your ugly mug in the paper George’s ugly twin brother.

      How many games of golf did they play with these people and how many free tickets did they give them to The Open?

      People only talk to these people at the Clown Hall to get something for nothing like “Wirral Funny Bizz” and Stella.

      Bring in the Administration to keep good causes like Lyndale School open and give the ridiculous “Football Shirt” and the Queen of Australia’s new best friend for ever “The Dunny Chain Wearer” what they deserve.

      Who would do the business, other than Stella, with these people they are just a free ticket to new gnashers and holidays in Portugal hey Enterprise Solutions?

      They are not fit for purpose and I hope people will write more on your blog, Wirral Leaks and Wirral In It Together to warn people off these hopeless cases until their act is properly cleaned up.

      How many sleeps now “Graham Burge(r with the lot plus super duper car and 7 mistakes http://goo.gl/znBccO in 29 seconds)ss’?

      Can’t wait to see who’s mate gets the job. Uncle Joe probably knows.



      1. All 66 councillors were invited to the recent Open Golf Championship, some were invited to more of it than others. Some declined the invitation.

        Here is a list of some of the councillors that had tickets provided by Wirral Council. I think of others of the sixty-six councillors not on the below list that might also have been there too (for example bought their own ticket or were possibly there in a capacity other than councillor for example Mayor).

        Source : this FOI request.

        Cllr R Abbey
        Cllr T Anderson
        Cllr C Blakeley
        Cllr A Brighouse
        Cllr J Crabtree
        Cllr M Daniel
        Cllr. B Davies
        Cllr. G Davies
        Cllr. D. M Elderton
        Cllr. G. J Ellis
        Cllr. P. J Hackett
        Cllr. J Hale
        Cllr P Hayes
        Cllr. A. C Hodson
        Cllr. K Hodson
        Cllr T Johnson
        Cllr. A Jones
        Cllr. C Jones
        Cllr. G Leech
        Cllr. A McLachlan
        Cllr. M McLaughlin
        Cllr. D Mitchell
        Cllr B Mooney
        Cllr T Norbury
        Cllr M Patrick
        Cllr C Povall
        Cllr L Reecejones
        Cllr. L Rennie
        Cllr. S. L Rowlands
        Cllr. J Salter
        Cllr T.A. Smith
        Cllr. W Smith
        Cllr T Smith
        Cllr. H Smith
        Cllr C Spriggs
        Cllr J Stapleton
        Cllr M Sullivan
        Cllr J Walsh
        Cllr G Watt
        Cllr S Whittingham
        Cllr S Williams
        Cllr. P Williams
        Cllr J Williamson

        The list of other organisations given tickets by Wirral Council for the 2014 Open Golf Championship is below. Some names have been edited out of the list though as Wirral Council won’t release the names of organisations it [Wirral Council] considers that that would prejudice commercial interests.

        Source: response to this FOI request here.

        The list is extremely long and split up by day. I’ll start with Thursday:

        Thursday (37)
        Bibby Marine Ltd
        British Chamber of Commerce
        British Slovenian Chamber
        Caldy Golf Club
        Contact Group
        CPL Training
        Daily Mirror
        Helms Briscoe
        International Festival of Business
        Sun Valley
        KMGC Golf Consultancy  
        Liverpool Chamber
        Mere Brook House
        Mersey Rural Leader
        Merseyside Convention Bureau
        Neptune Developments
        Osiris Projects
        Oxygen 8
        PNH Consultancy
        Regen Europe.
        River Rich Media LLP
        Saudi British Joint Business Council
        Solar Consulting Australia
        Stonegate Pub Company
        UK Regeneration
        Weightmans Laywers
        Wirral Food Drink Partnership
        World Corporate Games

        Friday (22)
        All Our Bars
        Beeline Ltd
        Cammell Laird
        Clear Edge Filtration Ltd.
        Coca Cola UK
        CPL Training
        Daily Mirror
        DONG Energy
        Future of The North Conference
        Grant Thornton
        Havas Lynx
        IoM Government
        Keel Toys
        Land & Marine
        Osiris Projects
        River Island
        TecnoForm Associates‎ Ltd
        Thorley Taverns
        Wainwright and Gibson
        Weightmans Lawyers

        Saturday (27)
        Aberdeen Asset Management
        Bentley Motors
        Briggs Automotive Company
        Contact Company
        Daily Mirror
        DC Consulting
        General Motors UK & Ireland
        Havas Lynx
        Hotel Bookings.com
        Liverpool Echo
        Marketing Liverpool
        Music Magpie
        Oxygen 8
        Pageant of Power
        Palmer and Harvey
        Programme Direct UTV
        Shannon Airport
        Wirral Chamber

        Sunday (21)
        Bentley Motors
        Bishop of Birkenhead
        Consul General of China
        Dept for Communities
        General Motors UK & Ireland
        High Sheriff of Merseyside
        Lord and Lady Hunt of Wirral
        Knowsley Council
        Cheshire West & Chester Council
        Liverpool Echo
        Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside
        Mayor & Mayoress of Wirral
        Jacqueline Foster MEP and guest
        Esther McVey MP and guest
        Radio Merseyside
        St Helens Council
        Wirral Globe
        Wirral Met College

        “Some organisations have not been included on these lists due to ongoing commercial negotiations between the Wirral Council and the organisations in question.”

        The decision about golf procurement goes back to Cabinet for a decision on Thursday 27th November 2014 at agenda item 5 and you can read the report here.

  2. A Court can hear a Case of this Complexity and make a Decision one way or the other before January 2016 and in the mean time can, make all sorts of ” ” “Interim Orders” and/or ” Injunctions ” It is not only Parliament that has the Power

    1. Well if it does go to court and Wirral Council lose and they have to go back to square 1 again, as it’s taken a year to get to this point they won’t have time to make a decision again before January 2016 or will they?

      1. You would know what the answer to that would be normally without me having to tell you, Mr Brace!!!!!!!!

        1. Well normally Cabinet meetings making key decisions require 28 days notice.

          Normally court decisions take at least a few weeks to be sent out in the post after either the hearing date or on the papers.

  3. What would happen if the Court ” Reserves a Decision ” The HM Government becomes a Party to Proceedings, the LAW is a Wonderland to behold when your there by ” God and Right “

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