Merseytravel’s Chief Executive David Brown leaving to become Chief Executive of Transport for the North

Merseytravel’s Chief Executive David Brown (pictured to the left) is leaving Merseytravel to become Chief Executive of Transport for the North. He starts in his new job on the 9th November 2015.
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority met today and appointed Frank Rogers (pictured below and now Deputy Chief Executive of Merseytravel) as an interim Director General/Chief Executive of Merseytravel.
A future meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority will decide on who will be the permanent appointment to be Merseytravel’s Director General/Chief Executive. The report of the Monitoring Officer to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority can be read on Knowsley Council’s website.

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EDIT by John Brace 18:13 16/10/15 Comment moved to comments on blog post about Birkenhead North Park and Ride.
G’day John
I do not want to offend you in any way at all John but I have decided because Ecca has not replied to my email if he has not DONE THE RIGHT THING and corresponded by Tuesday I will write to him in public via Wirral Leaks.
If His Lordship Pleases?
Not a threat but he possibly isn’t allowed to read bad news on the Most Improved Council in the Country…..and if he believes that there is absolutely no hope.
Ecca is either an ignorant buffoon with juvenile acne, running and hiding under his desk from Paul or he has not been getting his mail.
I have absolutely nothing to lose and he is after all the one I presume that paid off AdderleyDadderlyDooDah the liar and Lockwood/Harbac aider and abetter..
He might not have been there at the time but he is the man.
Who Ecca aka Spotty Dog aka Eccles Cake Face did hide the Grant Thornton and Beverley Edwards Reports?
As a CEO you can’t just dodge unpleasant things…………………………………..
like Sir Git, The Angry Little Man, Phil the Very Deluded Man, Blot on the Landscape, The Pretend Friend Crapapple Phil the Dill’s Ugly Twin Brother with the Comb Over from Hell et al.
G’day John
Sunday afternoon and there will be Wirral senior officers and 66 councillors sitting back with a belly full of roast and expensive wine telling their kids and grandkids if they find anyone at work knocking off £2,000,000.00.
Don’t say anything.
Don’t answer FOI’s.
That fat fool of a buffoon in legals will protect you.
Pay your mates off with someone else’s money and you might get your turn.
Big fat purple headed buffoons not giving a damn as long as they get their allowance and swaggering their hemorrhoids around town.
Well done lads and lasses a credit to yourselves, your families and and your alma mater.
You really are a class act.
Most improved council in the country.
ha ha ha ha ha
Scumbags one and all.
G’day John
They will be preparing themselves tonight to earn their allowances this week.
A dilemma?
Should I decide what is right for my electors and make a good name for myself and make a difference.
If I do that that they may set Clowncillor Crispy Creme Doughnut on me like they did to Stuart.
Doughnut the Doughnut.
Or, should I just do what that peanut “Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill” tells me to do after “Ankles” has told him what to do after Frankenstein has told him what to do?
Or, should I do what Ghildevil tells me, nice bloke but as useless as AdderleyDadderleyDooDah was.
Or, should I do as as Blue says who gets bullied by an ex-woodentop and a hair salon girl.
It really doesn’t matter John because the senior officers just take the piss out of them.
Kev and Stella’s Stinking Stagnant Waters
Jack’ golf courses…..18
Britain’s most credulous man
New Brighton Community Centre
Staircase to Gra Gra’s Dunny
“Phil the Very Very Deluded Dill for Metro Mayor of the Northern Sh**house.
G’day John
I would just like to make a suggestion to the 66.
Why not go see Ecca in the morning and tell him to resolve Wirral “Funny” Bizz the way it should have been done four and a half years ago and must be getting near £200,000.00 because of Britain’s most credulous man with a football shirt..
If he’s not hiding under his desk with Sir Git.
Else I might have to start insulting their intelligence……………………………
more than they already self inflict?
G’day John
Just thought I would share a blast from the past with you and your readers.
You seem to defend Sir Git a bit and I will not question that but I blow wind in his general direction.
Tour, Surjit
To james griffiths
CC Burgess, Graham 03/13/13 at 5:36 PM
Dear Mr Griffiths
Further to the above matter, I confirm that the Council is in receipt of the draft report prepared by Grant Thornton into the ISUS scheme.
It is not possible to share this report with you; however it is appropriate that the Council confirms the current position in relation to this matter.
I would be grateful if you would attend a meeting with me, Garym Lambert and Mr Hobro tomorrow at 4.15pm at Wallasey Town Hall . I have asked Cllr Adrian Jones to also be in attendance at the meeting. Please report to the attendant’s desk (situated in front of the grand staircase) and the attendant will inform me of your arrival.
I have already spoken with Mr Hobro (who I understand may have already spoken to you concerning this matter). Mr Hobro has confirmed his attendance.
I apologise for the short notice; however I would be grateful if you could confirm whether you are able to attend.
Yours sincerely
Surjit Tour
Acting Director of Law, HR and Asset Management
Monitoring Officer
Department of Law, HR & Asset Management
Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council
Town Hall
Brighton Street
CH44 8ED
Tel: 0151 691 8569
Fax: 0151 691 8482
Johnny boy the meeting was a joke, he wasn’t there, he hadn’t read the report bullshit bullshit bullshit.
I wouldn’t trust the man.
He must be a delight and a joy to every taxpayer meets and deals with.
Where does he hide these reports John?
John if you see the letter he was acting.
I would say a HAM.
In fact the original expression suits him more HAMFATTER.
The word Ham to mean an “overacting inferior performer,” apparently dates from about 1882 and originates from American English. Originally the word was hamfatter, meaning “actor of low grade,” and has been linked to an old minstrel show song, “The Ham-fat Man” which dates from about 1863.
Sir Git will forever be known as “The Ham Fat Man”.