What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 25th March 2021, 9:00 (GMT).

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?
What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?

Regular readers of this blog (who have presumably read my previous articles on Liverpool City Council since August 2014) won’t be entirely surprised by Max Caller’s report, the statement made yesterday or indeed a further letter to Liverpool City Council.

Continue reading “What went wrong at Liverpool City Council?”

What happened at the hearing when Johnny Depp’s legal team asked for permission to appeal the decision in the libel case he brought against the Sun’s owners because the Sun claimed he was abusive towards Amber Heard?

What happened at the hearing when Johnny Depp’s legal team asked for permission to appeal the decision in the libel case he brought against the Sun’s owners because the Sun claimed he was abusive towards Amber Heard?

What happened at the hearing when Johnny Depp’s legal team asked for permission to appeal the decision in the libel case he brought against the Sun’s owners because the Sun claimed he was abusive towards Amber Heard?


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 22nd March 2021, 9:30 (GMT).

What happened at the hearing when Johnny Depp’s legal team asked for permission to appeal the decision in the libel case he brought against the Sun’s owners because the Sun claimed he was abusive towards Amber Heard? Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK (resized). Picture credit sjiong, made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 licence
What happened at the hearing when Johnny Depp’s legal team asked for permission to appeal the decision in the libel case he brought against the Sun’s owners because the Sun claimed he was abusive towards Amber Heard? Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK (resized). Picture credit sjiong, made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 licence.

Please note that comments are turned off due to the ongoing nature of this case and associated reporting restrictions.

Earlier pieces published in this same case:-

Mr Justice Nicol heard 2 applications from Johnny Depp’s barrister David Sherborne for relief from sanctions and an application for third party disclosure from Amber Heard (6th July 2020)

Adam Wolanski QC asked Nicol J at a High Court of Justice hearing (Thursday 25th June 2020) to strike out the Johnny Depp libel claim against The Sun newspaper (and Sun journalist Dan Wootton) alleging a breach of an earlier disclosure order of Nicol J (29th June 2020)

The Hon. Mr Justice Nicol asked to agree to 4 further witnesses (Miss Vanessa Paradis, Miss Winona Ryder, Mr David Killackey and Miss Kate James) in Johnny Depp/The Sun Newspaper libel case (16th May 2020)

The Hon. Mr Justice Nicol agreed privacy order in Johnny Depp/The Sun Newspaper libel trial allowing Amber Heard and another witness to give some evidence during the libel trial in private (with reporting restrictions) (10th April 2020)

This is a report on the permission to appeal hearing held on Thursday 18th March 2021 in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) (London, England, United Kingdom) before Lord Justice Underhill (Vice President of the Court of Appeal, Civil Division) and Lord Justice Dingemans.

Continue reading “What happened at the hearing when Johnny Depp’s legal team asked for permission to appeal the decision in the libel case he brought against the Sun’s owners because the Sun claimed he was abusive towards Amber Heard?”

Why is HMCTS causing a “vexing level of uncertainty”?

Why is HMCTS causing a “vexing level of uncertainty”?

Why is HMCTS causing a “vexing level of uncertainty”?


By John Brace (Editor)
Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 4th March 2021, 16:35 (BST).

Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK (resized). Picture credit sjiong, made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 licence
Royal Courts of Justice, London, UK (resized). Picture credit sjiong, made available under the CC BY-SA 2.0 licence.

Below is a copy of HMCTS’ response to my recent complaint, followed by my response. Just for information I made this complaint by email last year in response to a letter, then I recently followed it up over the lack of response. Refunds tend to come via Her Majesty’s Paymaster General and despite what it states in the response below a refund of nine pounds has not been received.
Continue reading “Why is HMCTS causing a “vexing level of uncertainty”?”

Like a visit you’ve been putting off to the dentist, but you know needs to be done, Liverpool City Council yesterday evening held their annual budget meeting

Like a visit you’ve been putting off to the dentist, but you know needs to be done, Liverpool City Council yesterday evening held their annual budget meeting

Like a visit you’ve been putting off to the dentist, but you know needs to be done, Liverpool City Council yesterday evening held their annual budget meeting


Liverpool City Council Annual Budget Meeting 3rd March 2021
Liverpool City Council Annual Budget Meeting 3rd March 2021

By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 4th March 2021, 11:09 (GMT).

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Budget Meeting (Liverpool City Council) 3rd March 2021

Like a visit you’ve been putting off to the dentist, but you know needs to be done, Liverpool City Council yesterday evening (3rd March 2021) held their annual budget meeting (see above).
Continue reading “Like a visit you’ve been putting off to the dentist, but you know needs to be done, Liverpool City Council yesterday evening held their annual budget meeting”

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council and why should you care?

What went wrong at Liverpool City Council and why should you care?


By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 3rd March 2021, 11:49 (GMT).

Policy and Resources Committee (Wirral Council) 1st March 2021
Licensing and Gambling Sub-Committee (Liverpool City Council) 1st March 2021

Considering the reaction to yesterday’s Is Liverpool City Council in denial? I thought it a good idea to write another piece about Liverpool City Council.
Continue reading “What went wrong at Liverpool City Council and why should you care?”