What happened during day 2 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

What happened during day 2 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

What happened during day 2 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing

By John Brace (Editor)

This is a report on a public hearing of day 2 of Chief Constable of Lancashire Police v Ponting at the Liverpool County Court which continues from what happened on day 1.

As the case was ongoing at the time of publication comments are turned off.

Mr Henry Gow (barrister for the Defendant Mr Ponting) referred to the face to face conference the Defendant had had with a Superintendent Thistlethwaite which had been recorded by the Defendant. Mr Gow was going to refer to it in cross examination and asked HHJ Knifton QC to consider when the recorded extracts of this which had been submitted would be listened to.
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What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?

What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the hearing

By John Brace (Editor)

This is a report of day 1 (of a possible 4) held on the 9th March 2020 of Chief Constable of Lancashire Police v Ponting in Court Room 26 on the third floor of Liverpool County Court, 35 Vernon St, Liverpool, L2 2BX.

HHJ Knifton QC is presiding over the case. Henry Gow (New Bailey Chambers) is the barrister for the Defendant Mr Ponting. Lee Bonner (Atlantic Chambers) is the barrister for the Chief Constable of Lancashire Police.

As the case was ongoing at the time of publication comments are turned off.
Continue reading “What happened during day 1 of a trial which involved a Lancashire Constabulary request for an anti-social behaviour order against Mr Ponting?”

HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”

HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”

HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”


Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which is the venue for Employment Tribunal hearings in this area

By John Brace (Editor)

HMCTS (Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service) on 5th March 2020 have issued updated guidance to staff on “supporting media access to courts and tribunals”.
Continue reading “HMCTS issue revised guidance to staff for “supporting media access to courts and tribunals””

How much did the Labour general election campaign in 2019 in Wirral South spend?

How much did the Labour general election campaign in 2019 in Wirral South spend?

How much did the Labour general election campaign in 2019 in Wirral South spend?


I believe this piece falls into the category of the public right to know. These are the published results of an journalistic investigation graded and edited by myself as editor at Chase Level 3 (reasonable grounds to investigate).
Continue reading “How much did the Labour general election campaign in 2019 in Wirral South spend?”

First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice”

First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice”

First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice”


Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018
Birkenhead County Court entrance 5th October 2018 which was the venue for the First-tier Tribunal hearing (Social Entitlement Chamber)

By John Brace – Appellant
Leonora Brace – Appellant’s Representative

Due to the ongoing nature of this matter comments have been disabled.

This is a report on a hearing of the First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) held on the afternoon of 28th February 2020 at Birkenhead County Court, Birkenhead in relation to a PIP appeal.

The hearing was before Judge PH Wolfenden, Mr PR Ferguson and Dr M L Newton and was listed for 2.45 pm.
Continue reading “First-tier Tribunal (Social Entitlement Chamber) PIP Appeal adjourned “in the interests of justice””