What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?

What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?

What did 21 invoices show Wirral Council spent money on?

Cllr Jeff Green (right) is the current Chair of Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee
Cllr Jeff Green (right) is the current Chair of Wirral Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee

A few months ago I exercised a right under section 26 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 for invoices, credit card statements or requests for payment connected to various payments Wirral Council made during the 2018-19 financial year. Wirral Council is currently predicting it will overspend its agreed budget in 2019-20.
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EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?

EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?


Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) who was the paid organiser referred to in the email
Cllr Stuart Whittingham (left) who was the paid organiser referred to in the email

The result of the elections of twenty-two councillors to Wirral Council in May 2019 were that Labour lost its overall majority and its number of seats dropped by two councillors.

Below is the text of an email sent from the then Deputy Regional Director Andy Smith for Labour North West to all Labour agents and candidates on the Wirral in the middle of April 2019.
Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: What was in the email from the Labour Party in April 2019 that stated “We are determined to ensure that Labour retains control of the council, and looks to increase the number of Labour councillors in the local election”?”

Whiston Fire Station sold by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority for £315,000 (but estate agents charged £5,670 commission)

Whiston Fire Station sold by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority for £315,000 (but estate agents charged £5,670 commission)


Hardie Brack invoice for sale of Whiston fire station
Hardie Brack invoice for sale of Whiston fire station

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority opened a new fire station at Prescot last year which is connected to the closure of fire stations at Huyton and Whiston. The cost of the new fire station was to be offset by the sale of the closed fire stations and councillors on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority previously agreed a budget estimating that Whiston Fire Station would be sold for £250,000 in the 2016/17 financial year (which didn’t happen).
Continue reading “Whiston Fire Station sold by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority for £315,000 (but estate agents charged £5,670 commission)”

Why was I given permission to appeal on 2 grounds the First-tier Tribunal costs order of £500 in favour of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and why did I receive an apology from a Judge?

Why was I given permission to appeal on 2 grounds the First-tier Tribunal costs order of £500 in favour of Meseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and why did I receive an apology from a Judge?

Why was I given permission to appeal on 2 grounds the First-tier Tribunal costs order of £500 in favour of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and why did I receive an apology from a Judge?

Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX
Liverpool Civil & Family Court, Vernon Street, Liverpool, L2 2BX which was the venue for the First-tier Tribunal hearing

Earlier this year I was given permission to appeal by an Upper Tribunal Judge on two grounds a First-tier Tribunal costs order. At the point of the decision I was the Applicant in case GIA/619/2019, but now permission to appeal has been granted I am described as the Appellant. The other parties are the Information Commissioner (First Respondent) and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority (Second Respondent).

A final decision on the outcome of this appeal in the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) has yet to be decided.
Continue reading “Why was I given permission to appeal on 2 grounds the First-tier Tribunal costs order of £500 in favour of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority and why did I receive an apology from a Judge?”

Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?

Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?

Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?


Cllr Chris Jones (Left) Joint Strategic Commissioning Board 9th July 2019
Cllr Chris Jones (Left) Joint Strategic Commissioning Board 9th July 2019

Cllr Chris (or Christine) Jones pictured above was re-elected as a councillor for Seacombe ward earlier this year.

After election those who are elected as a councillor to Wirral Council are required by law because of section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 within 28 days of their election to notify Wirral Council of any disclosable pecuniary interests.
Continue reading “Why did Cllr Chris Jones not declare financial support from the Wirral Labour Group, Unite the Union and the Seacombe branch of the Labour Party towards her 2019 election expenses in her Register of Interests?”