Merseyside Police unsuccessfully disputed £311,134.22 of charges by West Yorkshire Police for air support through NPAS (National Police Air Service)

Merseyside Police unsuccessfully disputed £311,134.22 of charges by West Yorkshire Police for air support through NPAS (National Police Air Service)

Merseyside Police unsuccessfully disputed £311,134.22 of charges by West Yorkshire Police for air support through NPAS (National Police Air Service)


Disputed invoice West Yorkshire Police Merseyside Police Q3 2017 18 NPAS (National Police Air Service) £533,094.74
Disputed invoice West Yorkshire Police Merseyside Police Q3 2017 18 NPAS (National Police Air Service) £533,094.74

Back in August 2012 I reported how the councillors on the Merseyside Police Authority agreed to Merseyside Police’s helicopter (Eurocopter EC-135 registration G-XM11) previously based at RAF Woodvale was leased for use by the Oslo Police Department (Norway) and it has since been repainted and is used in Norway.
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Labour and Conservative councillors from Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester decide not to refer proposed walk in centre closures at Moreton and New Ferry to government minister for decision against wishes of Labour Cllrs Nolan and Norbury (who voted to do so)

Labour and Conservative councillors from Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester decide not to refer proposed walk in centre closures at Moreton and New Ferry to government minister for decision against wishes of Labour Cllrs Nolan and Norbury (who voted to do so)

Labour and Conservative councillors from Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester decide not to refer proposed walk in centre closures at Moreton and New Ferry to government minister for decision against wishes of Labour Cllrs Nolan and Norbury (who voted to do so)


Dr Paula Cowan (right, foreground) (Wirral CCG Chair) 24th July 2019 Wirral Council Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Walk In Centres
Dr Paula Cowan (right, foreground) (Wirral CCG Chair) 24th July 2019 Wirral Council Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Walk In Centres

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Wirral and Cheshire West and Chester Joint Health Scrutiny Committee 30th July 2019

A motion by Cllrs Norbury and Nolan requiring the proposed walk in centre closures in Moreton and New Ferry to be scrutinised by the government minister was defeated by the combined votes of other Labour and Conservative councillors on the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee.

Instead a series of recommendations (which are below) were agreed one of which included a report in around October 2020 looking at the first six months after closure and further work with Merseytravel over transport issues.
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What is the latest twist in the walk in centres closure saga and what will councillors be deciding tonight?

What is the latest twist in the walk in centres closure saga and what will councillors be deciding tonight?

What is the latest twist in the walk in centres closure saga and what will councillors be deciding tonight?


Dr Paula Cowan (right, foreground) (Wirral CCG Chair) 24th July 2019 Wirral Council Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Walk In Centres
Dr Paula Cowan (right, foreground) (Wirral CCG Chair) 24th July 2019 Wirral Council Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Walk In Centres

The proposed closure next year of two walk in centres (one in Moreton and one in New Ferry) was discussed again by councillors on Wirral Council’s Adult Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Continue reading “What is the latest twist in the walk in centres closure saga and what will councillors be deciding tonight?”

Wirral Council allocate £1,600 each to those made homeless by New Ferry explosion, but 2018-19 accounts won’t be audited on time

Wirral Council allocate £1,600 each to those made homeless by New Ferry explosion, but 2018-19 accounts won’t be audited on time

Wirral Council allocate £1,600 each to those made homeless by New Ferry explosion, but 2018-19 accounts won’t be audited on time


McCloud (Highlander) - but sadly the McCloud referred to was an age discrimination case involving pensions for judges and firefighters
McCloud (Highlander) – but sadly the McCloud referred to was an age discrimination case involving pensions for judges and firefighters

In the morning Wirral Council’s Cabinet (see below) agreed to £1,600 each towards New Ferry residents made homeless for a week or more and £1,600 to businesses that found themselves behind the cordon (subject to all of them filling out a form and waiting for the money despite Wirral Council knowing who these people are). Just in case you’re wondering how long it’s been the explosion in New Ferry happened in March 2017. On the plus side unlike Kensington and Chelsea’s Cabinet post-Grenfell Tower Wirral Council’s Cabinet did allow residents to attend this meeting and didn’t require journalists to get a court order to attend either.
Continue reading “Wirral Council allocate £1,600 each to those made homeless by New Ferry explosion, but 2018-19 accounts won’t be audited on time”

PIP assessments are a strange place somewhere between the Great Escape and Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition

PIP assessments are a strange place somewhere between the Great Escape and Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition

PIP assessments are a strange place somewhere between the Great Escape and Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition


After what Reverend Mike Loach said at that event about the media demonising people with disabilities I am writing and publishing this story to explain what life is like if you are a disabled person in the UK.

For mistakes the state made before I was born I was born disabled. There is no cure for the disabilities I have and I struggle and muddle through life in constant pain and yes I work.
Continue reading “PIP assessments are a strange place somewhere between the Great Escape and Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition”