Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 9 APP/11/01147 (6 Hazel Grove, Irby, CH61 4UZ – Single storey rear and side extensions with front porch)

The Chair said with regards to planning application APP/11/01147 (6 Hazel Grove, Irby, CH61 4UZ – Single storey rear and side extensions with front porch) that issues on page 76 had been raised about the accuracy of the boundary as well as privacy and the gap to a neighbour’s garage. In his view there were … Continue reading “Planning Committee (Wirral Council) 3rd January 2011 Part 9 APP/11/01147 (6 Hazel Grove, Irby, CH61 4UZ – Single storey rear and side extensions with front porch)”

The Chair said with regards to planning application APP/11/01147 (6 Hazel Grove, Irby, CH61 4UZ – Single storey rear and side extensions with front porch) that issues on page 76 had been raised about the accuracy of the boundary as well as privacy and the gap to a neighbour’s garage. In his view there were no major issues but he asked officers to comment on these concerns.

Matthew said that they had gone back to the applicant and agent who had done a title search to show they do own the land. The second issue was to do with extra windows at the ground floor. They had added condition 2 for the boundary fence, however there was an existing window at ground floor level. The third issue was the small gap between the extension and the garage to do with drainage. Water would drain between the structures and there would be no drain pipe as it would drain internally.

The Chair said that it was not a planning issue.

Cllr Stuart Kelly pointed out a typographical error in the report.

Cllr Wendy Clements proposed approval, seconded by Cllr Mitchell.

For: Cllrs Elderton, Clements, Boult, Johnson, Kenny, Salter, Realey, Mooney, Walsh, Kelly and Mitchell (11)
Against: None (0)
Abstention: None (0)

Application APP/11/01147 with conditions was approved (11:0:0).

134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH

Author: John Brace

New media journalist from Birkenhead, England who writes about Wirral Council. Published and promoted by John Brace, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, CH43 7PH. Printed by UK Webhosting Ltd t/a Tsohost, 113-114 Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, England, SL1 4PF.

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