What are the 21 paragraphs of reasons why Wirral Council opposes release of the Hoylake Golf Resort contract?

I’ll declare at the start an interest as the person who made the information request the below is about.
This is an update to two earlier blog posts, the first headlined ICO require Wirral Council to release 94 page draft agreement with Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Limited about Hoylake Golf Resort and the second being Wirral Council asks judiciary to intervene to keep 94 page report on Hoylake Golf Resort secret!
Below are Wirral Council’s grounds of appeal. On the first page it lists Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council as the Claimant, when they are in fact the Appellant.
The case number is EA/2017/0191 in the First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) which is part of the General Regulatory Chamber. I’ve linked certain words and phrases below such as to legislation or the decision notice. I will point out that there are parts of it I do not agree with.
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