Cabinet (Wirral Council) 6th September 2012 Part 1 Political Assistants Scrapped

There weren’t enough copies of the motion (on item 5) of Cllr Phil Davies last night for everyone there so it is below. ITEM 5 – CABINET, 6 SEPTEMBER 2012 Add the following:- The Council is facing significant financial challenges, both in-year and over the next three years. As the Administration, we need to show … Continue reading “Cabinet (Wirral Council) 6th September 2012 Part 1 Political Assistants Scrapped”

There weren’t enough copies of the motion (on item 5) of Cllr Phil Davies last night for everyone there so it is below.


Add the following:-

The Council is facing significant financial challenges, both in-year and over the next three years.

As the Administration, we need to show leadership and demonstrate how we will also contribute to immediate savings, whilst ensuring that all Elected Members are equipped to deliver their roles with appropriate and integrated support.

Cabinet resolves:

1. That current arrangements for scrutiny support are revised to become a more integrated part of the Council’s management structure to provide advice and support for all political groups.

2. That the political groups no longer be supported by Political Assistants funded by the Council Tax payers and these posts be deleted accordingly with a view to realising savings in-year of up to £50k and a saving of £135k annually, which will be used to support front line services.

3. That all Elected Members and the Administration are supported by a Central Policy Unit and Member Services, which will include a new casework management system, as part of the improvements in political leadership and governance.

4. That the Acting Director of Law, HR and Asset Management and Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development begin formal consultation with the staff directly affected by these proposals in accordance with the relevant Council policies.

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