Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour

Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour

Continued from Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour.

Ronald Watt (petitioner): It states that users from Barnston Road only have apprehensions, at the head of Speedwell Drive and now along Roman Road which is much of the streets of the estates.

If we refer to photographs A and B both, this is where the petitioner of 3 Speedwell Drive and the applicant of 5 Speedwell Drive have been putting up a single storey two garage facility. In respect of the main building, a single storey building is attached to Speedwell Drive forming an extension to the existing in fact in 2005. The adjoining driveways can each take three vehicles when taken together but there’s no turning circles. Both driveways have no provision for police and ambulance vehicles.

Further objections are on the late list. In the Director’s report which is with me, in terms of UDP HS15, the Director of Regeneration and Planning Support is really of the opinion that the business will not be of such a scale and to result in a detrimental change to the character of the area and will not cause nuisance to the neighbouring uses existing particularly in respect of on-street parking and further highways movements by vehicles.

The petitioners are of a different opinion for the following reasons. One the business does not conform to the intent or spirit of HS15, it involves a change of use from a rear domestic garage facility to an industrial public usage. In fact, in terms of the estate, with regards to the facility itself,… the facility will therefore further attract in the opinion of the petitioners the concerns relating to health and safety, building regulations, landscaping and also disabled access. Particular concerns are fire safety, sound proofing against noise.

Point three, public nuisance will result from the disabled access and fire safety. If you refer again to the photographs there you’ll see a Lime Tree Grove Road through a narrow corridor behind. We are of the opinion that this does not allow adequate access to avoid public nuisance, including the disabled, and are also of the opinion that the … dogs including the people. Also there’s the question of fire safety for business and public use.

Next one, the residents are concerned about dog fouling. Both adjoining driveways are unfettered and open plan, the concerns are that dogs may be able to… fouling and the possibility of an offensive dog. The applicant already has two large pedigree dogs and a small litter of puppies. Both photographs A and B show the open plan. We’re also aware of the current rise in incidences of dog biting on Merseyside.

Three, traffic issues in this location, parking and volume, the Director’s report on the section on highways and traffic consultation maintains that there is a risk, that there will be a slight increase in demand for on street parking but does not consider this to be significant enough to justify waiting restrictions.

The petitioners are of a different opinion, I refer you to photographs A, C and D. The applicant describes the driveway which is unfit for parking in our opinion. There is no turning circle leading to on street parking and using the loop road at Speedwell Close as an exit. Speedwell Close residents are concerned that the resulting and increasing traffic will lead to a reduction in children playing in the road.

Children often use the street of Speedwell Close as it’s a bottleneck and walk through the estate to Barnston Primary School along Carol Drive road into Brimstage Road. The proposals for a walking bus route may be soon part of the .. The resulting concern of the citizens that the location…public services, traffic passing through the.. For example fire engines and … .

Photographs C and D… a child minding service at 2 Speedwell Drive directly opposite the proposed unit although the … . There is also concerns about speeding traffic at the bottom of the bottleneck… at a right angle to the remaining parts of estate. Three, the applicant’s planning application….

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): OK, you got ten seconds.

Ronald Watt (petitioner): One rather disturbing … in the local area for residents… objections, which then generated two late list objections and another….

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): No, sorry, no you’ve had five minutes, I think we got the gist of what you’re saying Mr. Watt.

Ronald Watt (petitioner): Thanks.

Cllr Bernie Mooney (Chair): Thank you very much. Does the applicant wish to speak?

Continues at Planning Committee (Wirral Council) (27th June 2013) APP/13/00574 5 Speedwell Drive, Barnston, CH60 2SY Change of use of garage to dog grooming parlour.