What are the reasons you can leave your home in Wirral during the coronavirus pandemic under the new Tier 4 restrictions?

What are the reasons you can leave your home in Wirral during the coronavirus pandemic under the new Tier 4 restrictions?

What are the reasons you can leave your home in Wirral during the coronavirus pandemic under the new Tier 4 restrictions?


Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) No 3 and (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 - public health regulations connected to the coronavirus pandemic
Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) No 3 and (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 – public health regulations connected to the coronavirus pandemic

By John Brace (Editor) and Leonora Brace (Co-Editor)

First publication date: 8th January 2021, 11:50 (GMT)

On Wednesday 6th January 2021, new public health regulations were agreed that resulted in Wirral going from a Tier 3 area to a Tier 4 area due to a type of coronavirus that spreads more quickly than before. These modifying regulations (Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 3) and (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021) came into force on the 6th January 2021.
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