Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 2

The meeting carried on with the committee discussing item 3 on agile working. As Cllr Mitchell had been interrupted Cllr Bridson asked him to speak next before he forgets what he has to say. This caused Cllr McLaughlin to tease Cllr Mitchell by saying that Cllr Bridson had called him forgetful. Cllr Mitchell said that … Continue reading “Employment & Appointments Committee – 27th January Part 2”

The meeting carried on with the committee discussing item 3 on agile working.

As Cllr Mitchell had been interrupted Cllr Bridson asked him to speak next before he forgets what he has to say. This caused Cllr McLaughlin to tease Cllr Mitchell by saying that Cllr Bridson had called him forgetful.

Cllr Mitchell said that it was very important that they complete the change. He also said he wanted to make sure Wirral Council had the ability to track the changes.

Cllr Davies said it had been a lot of work building on points that feed into the office accommodation review. He referred to Cllr Gilchrist at Council Excellence Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting asking question as to where agile working fits in with the office accommodation review timescale.

Bill Norman (Borough Solicitor) said it was a tool, but Wirral Council was losing colleagues through early voluntary redundancy. A report to Cabinet had listed buildings such as Bebington Town Hall (and others) to dispose of in 2011/2012.

Cllr Davies said “Just so I’m clear” followed by asking if they’d get reports next year spelling out how agile working was working.

Bill Norman said Westminster House would be relocated and would include agile working.

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